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Computación y Sistemas

versión On-line ISSN 2007-9737versión impresa ISSN 1405-5546


PEREZ-GASPAR, Miguel; BORJA MACIAS, Veronica  y  BARCENAS, Everardo. On the Paraconsistent Logic CG'3. Comp. y Sist. [online]. 2021, vol.25, n.2, pp.435-445.  Epub 11-Oct-2021. ISSN 2007-9737.

Paraconsistent logical systems are well-known reasoning frameworks aimed to infer new facts or properties under contradictory assumptions. Applications of these systems are well known in a wide range of computer science domains. In this article, we study the paraconsistent logic CG'3, which can be viewed as an extension of the logic G'3. CG'3 is also 3-valued, but with two designated values. Main results can be summarized as follows: a Hilbert-type axiomatization, based on Kalmar's approach; and a new notion of validity, based on also novel Kripke semantics.

Palabras llave : Many-valued logic; paraconsistent logic; Kripke-type semantics; Hilbert calculi; CG'3.

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