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Boletín médico del Hospital Infantil de México

versión impresa ISSN 1665-1146


PARAMO-CASTILLO, Daniel  y  RUBIO-RUIZ, Cristina. Frequency of asthma in preschool children with history of mistreatment and its relation with the type of mistreatment experienced. Bol. Med. Hosp. Infant. Mex. [online]. 2009, vol.66, n.1, pp.34-40. ISSN 1665-1146.

Introduction. The relation between asthma and child mistreatment is not absolutely clear. The objective was recognizing asthma in preschool children that suffered diverse forms of mistreatment. Methods. Retrospective study based on medical files revision of children sheltered in a foster house in Guanajuato. Chi square and odds ratio were used to assess the force of the association between both variables and the increase in the risk of developing asthma after suffering some type of mistreatment. Results. Those who experience abandonment were the youngest at his entrance to the foster house (mainly of the feminine gender), that later had a high risk being diagnosed with asthma compared with children who suffered other types of mistreatment (odds ratio 2.092 vs 0.549, respectively). Conclusions. Children that were victims of abandonment had a higher probability to develop asthma than other type of mistreatment victims.

Palabras llave : Asthma; child; mistreatment; child; neglect; child; preschool; foster houses.

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