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Boletín médico del Hospital Infantil de México

versión impresa ISSN 1665-1146


RIVERO-BORRELL DE LA PARRA, Pedro; GONZALEZ-CRUZ, Miguel Á.; FERREIRO-MARIN, Alejandro  y  CASAUBON-GARCIN, Pablo R.. L-arginine-induced esophagitis, report of six cases. Bol. Med. Hosp. Infant. Mex. [online]. 2020, vol.77, n.1, pp.38-41.  Epub 25-Feb-2021. ISSN 1665-1146.


Drug-induced esophagitis is an uncommon diagnosis in the pediatric population. The following is a report of six adolescents with L-arginine-induced esophagitis.

Case reports:

All patients were under treatment with L-arginine for short stature. After using the prescribed medication for 1-3 months, all cases started with severe retrosternal pain, odynophagia, and dysphagia. The upper gastrointestinal endoscopies showed ulcers located in the mid esophageal mucosa.


In the presence of acute severe odynophagia, dysphagia, and retrosternal pain, drug-induced esophagitis should be considered as a possible diagnosis. Treatment includes liquid diet, pain control, sucralfate, omeprazole, and interruption of L-arginine. In addition, the physician should explain preventive measures focused on patient and family education on the drug side effects and precise instructions on how to take medications, as well as a careful balance of risk and benefits of any medication. At present, there are no clinical trials that support the use of L-arginine in treatment of short stature.

Palabras llave : Esophagitis; Arginine; Endoscopy.

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