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Latinoamérica. Revista de estudios Latinoamericanos

versión On-line ISSN 2448-6914versión impresa ISSN 1665-8574


RAJO SERVENTICH, Alfredo. Las dimensiones del hispanismo e hispanoamericanismo. Latinoamérica [online]. 2008, n.47, pp.97-116. ISSN 2448-6914.

The present article deals about the impacts in the Mexican press of the proposals of Ibero-American Union, starting from the initiative of union of the same name, presented by Segismundo Moret, minister of Spanish State in 1885. The atempts to reposition Spain in Latin America are conjugated with colonial nostalgias, fears against the american expansionism in Mexico and also imageries to build a meta-national identity anchored in the culture.

Palabras llave : Hispanamericanism; Press; Impacts.

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