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Revista odontológica mexicana

versión impresa ISSN 1870-199X


GARCIA ISLAS, Atzimba; PARES VIDRIO, Gustavo E  y  HINOJOSA AGUIRRE, Alejandro. Evaluation of parents perception towards different conduct management techniques, using three information methods. Rev. Odont. Mex [online]. 2007, vol.11, n.3, pp.135-139. ISSN 1870-199X.

Behavioral management is a very important issue for success in Pediatric Dentistry, considering these techniques as learning models. In this study, attitude questionnaires were applied based on the Likert scale, and anxiety questionnaires based on the Corah’s scale and DASS (Depression Anxiety Stress Scale) adapted for dental situations to 120 pediatric patient’s parents at Undergraduate and postgraduate school at the School of Dentistry at UNAM. They were divided into three groups according to the information received: oral explanation, video and written information. The results showed that the best perceived technique was tell-show-do, and the least accepted was the general anesthesia technique; it was observed that the oral information method generated the least anxiety in parents, whereas the information transmitted through a video, generated the greatest anxiety. This lead to the conclusion that we must emphasize our attention to the explanation we give parents about the procedures we apply to their children.

Palabras llave : Anxiety; perception; behavior management techniques.

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