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Revista odontológica mexicana

versión impresa ISSN 1870-199X


GOMEZ GOMEZ, Verónica; FERNANDEZ LOPEZ, Antonio  y  PEREZ TEJADA, Haroldo Elorza. Cephalometric characteristics in class I malocclusion in the Orthodontic Department of the DEPeI, School of Dentistry, UNAM. Rev. Odont. Mex [online]. 2011, vol.15, n.1, pp.14-20. ISSN 1870-199X.

The cephalometric evaluation constitutes an auxiliary method of diagnosis to establish a specific orthodontic treatment plan. Nevertheless, the analyses used as an average of diagnosis have been elaborated in Caucasian and Anglo-Saxon patients, there is not an analysis that represents the own characteristics of our race. The purpose of this study was to know the cephalometric characteristics in the C-I malocclusion compared with norms already established of patients diagnosed as skeletal C-I and molar C-I, who started their treatment in the period 2001-2003 in the DEPeI School of Dentistry, UNAM. Fifty initial craniolateral X-rays were used, carrying out in each one the cephalometric analysis of Jarabak, summarized of Ricketts, stands out bony of Bimbler, the SNA, SNB and ANB of Steiner. The cephalometric measures were organized in four groups of age, then they were analyzed, data were compared with the established norms in each cephalometric analysis. The results indicated that in the 4 groups that the upper goniac angle was diminished and the angle PL occlusal/GoGn and the AFA wew increased. In groups 2, 3 and 4 the mandibular arch and the maxillary height were increased. Besides, 5 cephalometric measures presented a statistically significant difference between the four groups of age. It was concluded that the patients treated in the DEPeI have a dolichofacial pattern with the upper third of the face bigger than the lower third, convex profile and a prominent dentoalveolar zone.

Palabras llave : Malocclusion; class I; cephalometrics.

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