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vol.62 número1On thermal waves’ velocity: some open questions in thermal waves’ physicsTesis de Física presentadas en la Real y Pontificia Universidad de México. 1774-1791. índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista mexicana de física E

versión impresa ISSN 1870-3542


JATIRIAN-FOLTIDES, E.S. et al. About the calculation of the second-order susceptibility χ(2) tensorial elements for crystals using group theory. Rev. mex. fís. E [online]. 2016, vol.62, n.1, pp.5-13. ISSN 1870-3542.

In this work we discuss the way in which, in principle, the nonzero elements in the second-order susceptibility tensor are calculated in a crystal. Group Theory predicts which one of these elements will be zero based on the symmetry of the crystal. However, the position of these zeros in the tensor are intrinsically associated to a fixed system of reference chosen “a priori” for a particular crystal.

Palabras llave : Susceptibility; tensor; crystal; group theory.

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