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vol.62 número1Sobre la naturaleza, tensorial o no tensorial, de los símbolos de ChristoffelExperimental aspects of the gyroscope’s movement índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista mexicana de física E

versión impresa ISSN 1870-3542


ESPARZA-LOPEZ, Ch.; LEY-KOO, E.  y  RENDON, P.L.. Two-dimensional harmonic and Green’s functions on a spherical surface. Rev. mex. fís. E [online]. 2016, vol.62, n.1, pp.40-43. ISSN 1870-3542.

The solutions of the Laplace-Beltrami equation on a spherical surface are constructed by the method of separation of variables, as the products of the Fourier basis functions of the azimuthal angle and the integer powers of tangent or cotangent functions of half the polar angle. The Legendre operator acting on the latter functions yields zero. The construction of the Green’s function as the solution of the corresponding Poisson-Beltrami equation with a unit point source on the spherical surface is also constructed using the two-dimensional spherical harmonic basis.

Palabras llave : Laplace-Beltrami and Poisson-Beltrami operators and equations; two-dimensional spherical harmonics; Green's functions; separability and integrability.

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