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vol.8 número15Determinantes de la alternancia política en México, 1980-2009: un análisis econométrico a nivel de estadosLa trayectoria hacia la Cumbre de Uruguayana: máxima expresión de la aproximación entre Argentina y Brasil durante el desarrollismo índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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CONfines de relaciones internacionales y ciencia política

versión impresa ISSN 1870-3569


RAMIREZ VIVEROS, José Miguel. La Política Pública de Participación Ciudadana en el gobierno local: caso Alcobendas, España. CONfines relacion. internaci. ciencia política [online]. 2012, vol.8, n.15, pp.101-131. ISSN 1870-3569.

The aim of this article is to analyze the variables of citizen participation as a successful public policy in local government. It is based in Alcobendas, Spain. It analyzes the main explanatory variables proposed by the following theories: "The Choice Theories of citizenship" and "The Structural Theories of citizenship" such variables are: local administrative structure, political culture civic, partisan political ideology, socioeconomic status (SS); it also analyze the impact of another alternatives variables, such as the impact of local regulation in use (rule-in-use). Most theoretical explanatory variables are confirmed in this case study; however, there are another variable that doesn't affect public policy of citizen participation.

Palabras llave : citizen participation; public policy; local government; CLEAR.

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