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vol.10 número18La lucha de las mujeres migrantes haitianas por la seguridad ciudadana índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Migración y desarrollo

versión impresa ISSN 1870-7599


ABSI, Pascale; MAZUREK, Hubert  y  CHIPANA, Noemí. Migrante entre las demás: La categoría "prostituta" a prueba de las estadísticas en Bolivia. Migr. desarro [online]. 2012, vol.10, n.18, pp.05-39. ISSN 1870-7599.

Nowadays, the exercise of prostitution is almost always linked to migration and mobility. These displacements and the human dramas they involve are usually analyzed from the perspective of trafficking and coercion. However, these aspects do not determine all migration flows in Bolivia, where the sex trade is a rather marginal outcome of traffic. Taking into account the socio-demographic characteristics (age, education level and mobility) of the people lawfully practicing prostitution in Bolivia (mostly women), we intend to trace migration-related behaviors of economically active women in this country. This is not just to understand the territorial configuration of the sex trade, but also to restore some social features to a category of people who tend to fade behind prejudices.

Palabras llave : Bolivia; sex workers; migration; prostitution; life strategies.

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