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vol.10 número18Movilidad, conocimiento y cooperación: Las diásporas científicas como agentes de desarrolloEmpresarias hispanas y mexicanas en Estados Unidos y México índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Migración y desarrollo

versión impresa ISSN 1870-7599


GASPAR OLVERA, Selene. Migración México-Estados Unidos en cifras (1990-2011). Migr. desarro [online]. 2012, vol.10, n.18, pp.101-138. ISSN 1870-7599.

The purpose of this essay is to discuss the figures provided by statistics from the United States and Mexico since the nineties about the migratory process between both countries. I also look into the evolution of Mexican emigration to the United States and the growth of its offspring born and residing in the United States, as well as into fertility among Mexican migrants and their children, and their mobility within that country, based on information obtained from households to establish how rooted Mexicans and their children are in our neighboring country to the north. On the other hand, there is a review of the flow of people who head to the northern border attempting to cross it, the entry of Mexicans into the United States, and the return and recent immigration of United States nationals to Mexico. I finish with an analysis of the possible links among changes detected in the migratory pattern, the economic crisis that began in the United States at the end of 2007, and the strengthening of measures that have been implemented to restrain migration.

Palabras llave : migration; immigration; emigration; returning migrants; unemployment.

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