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versión On-line ISSN 1870-9044


LUIZA DINCA, Nadia. Modeling a Quite Different Machine Translation using Lexical Conceptual Structure. Polibits [online]. 2008, n.38, pp.27-31. ISSN 1870-9044.

The goal of this study is to outline the readability of an Example-Based Machine Translation for any pair of languages by means of the language-independent properties of the lexical conceptual structure (LCS). We describe LCS as a representation of traditional dependency relationships and use in experiments an isolated pair of verbs, extracted from Orwell's "1984" parallel English - Romanian texts. We discuss the mental models in terms of specific knowledge structures. Finally, we present LCS-Based Machine Translation from the point of view of a complex adaptive system and present our ongoing work in order to capture the neutral linguistic core of any mental model corresponding to the real world.

Palabras llave : Lexical conceptual structure; machine translation; readability; complex adaptive system.

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