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versión On-line ISSN 1870-9044


SEPULVEDA, Gabriel; PARRA, Vicente  y  DOMINGUEZ, Omar A.. 3D Visualization of Deformation and Cut of Virtual Objects based on Orthogonal Decomposition. Polibits [online]. 2008, n.38, pp.43-47. ISSN 1870-9044.

We present graphic implementation of a novel model for contact force rendering during the haptic interaction in 3D virtual environment. it is applied during cut and deformation of virtual objects with complex dynamic and surface properties. We define the simple algorithm for triangulation of the virtual object using the classic algorithm of detection of collisions. The algorithm is proposed that allows visualizing of the cutting triangular net as well as the calculation of the dynamics of the net during the cut. We present the corresponding images using OpenGL and Visual C++ for the graphic module and Falcon device for haptic feedback.

Palabras llave : Haptic device; 3D rendering; deformation and cut.

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