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versión On-line ISSN 1870-9044


BATISTA, Rodrigo de Abreu  y  BAZZAN, Ana Lucia Cetertich. Identification of Central Points in Road Networks using Betweenness Centrality Combined with Traffic Demand. Polibits [online]. 2015, n.52, pp.85-91. ISSN 1870-9044.

This paper aims to identify central points in road networks considering traffic demand. This is made with a variation of betweenness centrality. In this variation, the graph that corresponds to the road network is weighted according to the number of routes generated by the traffic demand. To test the proposed approach three networks have been created, which are Porto Alegre and Sioux Falls cities and a regular 10 x 10 grid. Then, trips were microscopically simulated and the results were compared with the proposed method.

Palabras llave : Traffic assignment; complex networks; centrality; betweenness centrality.

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