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Revista mexicana de ciencias agrícolas

versión impresa ISSN 2007-0934


FERNANDEZ-HERRERA, Claudio; COMBATT-CABALLERO, Enrique  y  RIVERA-JIMENEZ, Hernando. Some characteristics of the entomofauna from acid sulphated soils in Córdoba , Colombia. Rev. Mex. Cienc. Agríc [online]. 2011, vol.2, n.3, pp.461-470. ISSN 2007-0934.

Insects associated to acid sulphate soils were identified in different production systems in Córdoba Department, Colombia. We selected six plots of agricultural production in the transect Cotorra, Ciénaga de Oro and San Carlos, Córdoba, Colombia. In each plot there were taken 3 kg of soil in the first 25 cm deep, 1 kg sample for physical and chemical analysis that were processed by the soil laboratory at the University of Córdoba and 2 kg in the laboratory of Entomology, for the entomofauna analysis. Laboratory results indicated that chosen areas in this study have soils with characteristics of acid sulphate, for its extreme acidity values associated with high exchangeable acidity. Data were analyzed using correlations between evaluated systems, it was also used the statistical program Biodiversity Pro 4 to define richness, abundance and similarity for each family. A total of 33 species of insects were collected, distributed in six orders and 13 families. Richness values were higher in El Sabanal with 14 species, followed by El Deseo, Cotorra with nine species, while Berastegui had only four species. Most abundant species were: one of Carabidae, followed by Solenopsis geminata (Formicidae), one of Scarabaeidae, Blissus sp. (Lygaeidae) and Euetheola bidentata (Melolonthidae). More similar sites based on species composition are El Deseo and El Sabanal with 27.09%, both belonging to Cotorra municipality.

Palabras llave : abundance; acid sulfated; insects.

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