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Revista mexicana de ciencias agrícolas

versión impresa ISSN 2007-0934


OSUNA-CEJA, Esteban Salvador  y  MARTINEZ-GAMINO, Miguel Ángel. Yield and quality of rainfed maize and sorghum forage at four and six rows in Aguascalientes, México. Rev. Mex. Cienc. Agríc [online]. 2017, vol.8, n.6, pp.1259-1272. ISSN 2007-0934.

Brown midrib sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) shows adaptation and quality forage characteristics of potential importance for the rainfed area of Aguascalientes. In this research the yield and quality of forage in three planting methods were assessed: a) 0.76 m groove in single row for maize and sorghum, b) 1.6 m beds with four rows for maize (Zea mays L.) “Cafime” and c) 1.6 m beds with six rows for “brown midrib sorghum”. The experimental plot consisted of 15 rows at 0.76 m and 8 beds of 1.6 m wide by crop and 160 m long with a spacing of 0.76, 0.3 and 0.2 m for easy planting, four and six rows, respectively. The research was performed at the Sitio Experimental Sandovales of INIFAP (El Llano, Aguascalientes, México) during the summer of 2014. Evapotranspiration and heat units were determined; the dry matter yield (MS) was estimated at physiological maturity, forage quality in terms of crude protein (PC), neutral detergent fiber (FDN) and acid detergent fiber (FDA) and the efficiency in the use of rainwater. The dry matter yield obtained was higher in 1.6 m beds for maize and sorghum at four and six rows, respectively. Sorghum surpassed maize in the two planting methods (furrows and beds). This determines that sorghum cultivation under sowing in beds of 1.6 m with six rows is an alternative of forage production for this zone of deficient rainfall, with respect to the conventional planting at 0.76 m. Regarding to forage quality, sorghum had a higher PC content (14.5%) than maize (12.9%); however, its FDA value was higher, suggesting that it had a lower proportion of potentially digestible fiber than maize. Sorghum showed greater efficiency in the use of rainwater than the maize planted in beds with four rows and in single rows and, consequently, higher MS yield.

Palabras llave : acid detergent fiber; bromatological analysis; neutral detergent fiber; protein; topological arrangement.

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