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vol.6 número11Los diagramas de Bolívar Echeverría: producción, consumo y circulación semióticaJosé del Perojo y la "cuestión cubana": la última fase del colonialismo político y económico español en América índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 2007-2538


MORA GARCIA, José Luis. De El discreto, de Gracián, a El hombre mediocre, de José Ingenieros, tres siglos de modernidad olvidada. Valenciana [online]. 2013, vol.6, n.11, pp.207-236. ISSN 2007-2538.

For a long time it has been held that Spain, and Latin American countries in general, have lacked philosophy. This have led to deny that we had modernity. This paper stablished a bridge betwwwn two Works that are far apart in time, El discreto (1646), by Baltasar Gracián, and El hombre mediocre, by José Ingenieros (1913), and proves the nature of philosophical writing in Spanish language, which is based on a literary form that is consistent whith the existence of people and things whitout sacrificing occasions. This stratetegy demands to universalize from the types, and not from ideas, because life is intended as fundamental reality.

Palabras llave : Philosophy; Literature; Modernity; Baroque; Positivism.

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