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versión impresa ISSN 2007-2538


LEON PADILLA, Miguel Pedro. The thought of Zambrano, premises for a integrative phiolosphy. Valenciana [online]. 2023, vol.16, n.31, pp.29-55.  Epub 28-Abr-2023. ISSN 2007-2538.

The new century has uncritically accepted a set of anthropological prejudices -under the guise of scientific rigor- that support a fragmented and unbalanced vision of man. In this context, the lucid thought of María Zambrano offers the basic premises to recover an adequate understanding of the mystery of man. She begins by searching for a reason that suits -conveniently- the peculiarity of the human: poetic reason; continues by the recovery of forgotten knowledge, such as metaphysics, applied to the study of the person; and concludes by emphasizing the ethical dimension and the sociopolitical commitment in defense of freedom and democracy; together with the opening to transcendence (consequence of the omnipresence of the divine) and the human passion for relating to the divinity, as keys to the reintegration of the split in human multidimensionality.

Palabras llave : Anthropology; Philosophy; Reason; Metaphysics; Zambrano.

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