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Botanical Sciences

versión On-line ISSN 2007-4476versión impresa ISSN 2007-4298


VEGA-MARES, José Humberto; RIVERO-HERNANDEZ, Otilia; MARTINEZ-SALVADOR, Martín  y  MELGOZA-CASTILLO, Alicia. Analysis of the vascular flora of the Sierra Azul, Chihuahua, Mexico. Bot. sci [online]. 2020, vol.98, n.3, pp.618-652.  Epub 17-Feb-2021. ISSN 2007-4476.


The Sierra Azul constitutes a transition zone between the Mexican Xerophytic and Mesoamerican Mountain floristic regions. There is not a floristic inventory for this area.


What families, genera and species harbors Sierra Azul? What are the characteristics of this flora? How many species are shared among Sierra Azul and adjacent biogeographical regions?

Studied species:

Vascular plants

Study area and dates:

Sierra Azul, Chihuahua. March 2007 to October 2009


Specimen were identified with taxonomic keys for the different groups as well as support of plant taxonomy experts and comparison with herbarium specimens. Data for each taxon such as origin, duration of life cycle, life forms, endemism, and status were obtained from literature, field observations, and databases. Flora analysis was performed with presence-absence data and compared with adjacent biogeographical provinces using MVSP.


The flora of the area is composed by 742 taxa, 353 genera and 89 families; this includes six new records for the state. From the total taxa, 82 % are herbaceous, 54 % perennial, 4.5 % exotic species, and 10.1 % has a protection status. Around 60 % of the flora is related with the desert floristic region and the rest to the temperate mountains.


This study contributes with new knowledge of the flora of the state of Chihuahua and can contribute to set the bases to declare Sierra Azul as a protection zone.

Palabras llave : Chihuahua; conservation status; endemism; floristic richness.

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