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Botanical Sciences

versión On-line ISSN 2007-4476versión impresa ISSN 2007-4298


DELGADO-PEREZ, Gabriela; VAZQUEZ-SANTANA, Sonia; CORNEJO-TENORIO, Guadalupe  y  IBARRA-MANRIQUEZ, Guillermo. Morpho-anatomical traits of the sycone development phases of Ficus tuerckheimii (subg. Spherosuke, sect. Americanae, Moraceae). Bot. sci [online]. 2020, vol.98, n.4, pp.570-583.  Epub 09-Feb-2021. ISSN 2007-4476.


The genus Ficus includes about 850 species, found in tropical areas around the world. Nevertheless, studies on the syconium development has been carrying out only for a low number of these species. In the present study, morpho-anatomical changes along the phase development of the F. tuerckheimii syconium are described.


Do the stages of the syconium development of F. tuerckheimii differ in their morpho-anatomical traits?

Study species:

F. tuerckheimii (Moraceae).

Studied site and dates:

Veracruz, Mexico (2018-2019).


Syconia were collected to describe their morphology, anatomy, color, and size during different phenophases. Fixed syconia at different development stages were processed and embedded in paraplast to be described by light microscopy or scanning electron microscopy.


Syconium development phases differed in size, as well as in the color of the syconia wall and the ostiole, particularly in the most critical phases of its interaction with pollinators or dispersers (phases B, D and E). The external bracts of the ostiole and the ostiolar ring presented trichomoids; ostiolar ring had osmophores. Combs and corbicles in the female wasp of Pegoscapus sp. indicate its active role as a pollinator of F. tuerckheimii.


Morpho-anatomical traits in the development syconium phases of F. tuerckheimii are similar to findings previously documented for other species of the genus. However, there are still several aspects that must be explored in more detail to determine their similarity in other populations where the species is found in Mexico and Central America.

Palabras llave : Idarnes; osmophores; ostiolar bracts; ostiolar ring; Pegoscapus; trichomoids.

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