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vol.10 número3Estructura Factorial y Confiabilidad de la Escala MOS de Apoyo Social en Mujeres Mexicanas con Cáncer de MamaEscala de Tolerancia al Distrés: Propiedades Psicométricas en Estudiantes Universitarios Argentinos índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Acta de investigación psicológica

versión On-line ISSN 2007-4719versión impresa ISSN 2007-4832


GARCIA SANTILLAN, Arturo  y  ESCALERA-CHAVEZ, Milka Elena. Addiction toward Smartphone on High School Students: How is the Behavior by Gender?. Acta de investigación psicol [online]. 2020, vol.10, n.3, pp.54-65.  Epub 25-Oct-2021. ISSN 2007-4719.

The excessive use of the smartphone has already captured the attention of researchers on the subject around the world. This phenomenon has been called an addiction to the smartphone, known as a mobile phone or smartphone, hence the interest in carrying out a study in upper secondary level students. Therefore, the purpose is focused on determining if the level of addiction prevails in students of the upper secondary level and if there is a difference in relation to gender. For the work, 164 students registered during the semester participated and who also agreed to collaborate in the study. To obtain the data, the SAS-SV scale (Smartphone addiction scale - short version) designed by Kwon, Kim, Cho and Yang (2013) composed of ten items in Likert format was used. The results indicate that the level of addiction of the students is not high and there is a difference in the level of addiction to the cell phone between men and women only in the item X1, derived from the use of the smartphone, in addition, as a consequence of this excessive use, the students do not plan their job.

Palabras llave : Addiction; Smartphone; Students; Gender.

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