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Intersticios sociales

versión On-line ISSN 2007-4964


GONZALEZ, Fernando M.. Psicoanálisis e historia del tiempo presente. Intersticios sociales [online]. 2011, n.2. ISSN 2007-4964.

This article gives account of some elements that complicate the two mentioned disciplines, as well as the limits of what is enunciable, the notion of reality, the issues of testimony and memory, the notion of cases, the different temporalities at play, among others; meanwhile it tries to preserve an irreducible bilingualism between both perspectives. It is intended to perform a certain type of collaboration that may assume interpretative relays.

Both disciplines, which cannot be considered homogenous whatsoever, not even in their own scope, intend to liberate from its aphasia all that remains mute, actively silenced or disarticulated, etc.

Historians and psychoanalysts are faced with thorny issues such as the ones that assure that everything is reduced to tropes and language, and that nothing would exist beyond this; or in other words, that there would be an incompatibility between rhetoric and proof.

On the other hand, when trying to go beyond a certain type of critical theory that disqualifies the actors, both disciplines try to give a space to the interpreter, competent and blind to its own historization, and they bet on the ability of those who are supposed to be incapable. Likewise, they take their time to build, each one on their own fashion, narrations that make an attempt on the present imperatives, from “live broadcast”, compassionate humanitarianism and instantaneous remorse.

Finally, both perspectives lead to the questions and transformations that bring along the notion of victim.

Palabras llave : present time history; context; unconscious; subject; victim; proof; testimony.

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