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Intersticios sociales

versión On-line ISSN 2007-4964


RUANO RUANO, Leticia. El catolicismo social mexicano en los albores del siglo XX: identidad como ventana de reflexión histórica. Intersticios sociales [online]. 2011, n.2. ISSN 2007-4964.

This assignment points out the social mexican catholicism, beginning from the identity mediation, with the intention of reflect on its position in the historical process throughout the first forty years of the twenty century. Firstly, shows some questions about the concept of identity. After that, explain the catholic movement and their social compromise. The characteristics of their organizations contribute to think about the social areas y actors of interesting from the Catholic Church and the State. This is a possibility of connection with its ways of self and hetero acknowledgment. It has been chosen only a few of the organizations incorporated in the social catholicism, because they summarized the needs and discords relevant from that times. The social patchwork is thus an entry point in the configuration of matrix identity.

Palabras llave : Identity; social Catholicism; Catholic Church and State.

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