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Intersticios sociales

versión On-line ISSN 2007-4964


SANCHEZ JIMENEZ, José. Perspectivismo y polifonía: Los problemas de movilidad en Molango, Hidalgo. Intersticios sociales [online]. 2015, n.9, pp.1-25. ISSN 2007-4964.

Looking beyond unilinear visions about the damages from the mining of manganese in the health of population in Molango, Hidalgo, I propose an ethical perspectivism to valuated multiplicity voices and contexts of utterance to understand this problem. Dialogic analysis of the voices in first, second and third person, it shows the limits of Parkinson's disease and impairment movement perspectives. Amplification of the ethnographic gaze towards other voices or regimes of signs involvement is the need to incorporate other points of view in the formulation of a research problem. Thus, from indiscipline, it is possible to formulate interdisciplinary approaches to addressing complex problems; in this case, the logical Rhizomatic linking health, environment, dialogism and mining. Since the ranking of an angle of the problem translates into the exercise of a policy of restraint, we propose as an alternative the dialogism, in order to locate other voices who object to the hegemony of an ideology in its dimension. In this direction the prosaic knowledge become expressions that questioned the prescriptive both legal and medical systems. As a result, the perspectivism and polyphony become gadgets to resize the claims of validity of a system of signs to the detriment of those rather experiential and expressive.

Palabras llave : poliphony; perspectivism; impairment movement; Parkinson disease; dialogism.

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