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Intersticios sociales

versión On-line ISSN 2007-4964


CUEVA PERUS, Marcos. Mentalidades en México: entre el psicoanálisis y la antropología cultural. Intersticios sociales [online]. 2016, n.12. ISSN 2007-4964.

This article discusses the theoretical and methodological advantages of cultural anthropology, complemented by D.W. Winnicott's approach to psychoanalysis, in an effort to demonstrate that recovering studies in these fields can revitalize the debate on the most significant characteristics of key elements of mentalities in Mexico. The fundamental condition required for this debate to produce fecund contributions consists in ceasing to consider 'individual' and 'society' as mutually-exclusive entities. The essay proposes that cultural anthropology in general, and culture-and-personality studies more specifically, can contribute significantly to overcoming the obstacles that the psychologization of social relations has erected for the study of mentalities through its inclination to analyze the individual "without society".

Palabras llave : psychologism; anthropology; culture and personality; Mexico.

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