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Intersticios sociales

versión On-line ISSN 2007-4964


ESPINOSA, Julieta. Thinking urban spaces: uses of social housing. Intersticios sociales [online]. 2023, n.25, pp.369-395.  Epub 27-Abr-2023. ISSN 2007-4964.

Industrial and economic development required the organization and distribution of space, including housing. In this paper it is describe and analyze the use of politics and construction of social housing, from a genealogical perspective. In the occidental countries, the social housing politics began at the last decade of XIX century, it continues throughout next century and it will change in the new millennial. In Latin America, social housing programs began in the 20th century and will produce residential segregation, will support gentrification interests and will be the way to control positions critical of the government. Knowing that they had the right to housing produced worked willing to fight for its fulfillment; another attitude results when societies legitimize that the citizens in vulnerable conditions can only aspire to survival.

Palabras llave : urban spaces; social housing; residential segregation; subjectivization.

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