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vol.2 número3Port Efficiency in APECFactores históricos, políticos y culturales en la transformación de Egipto en proveedor clave de cebolla deshidratada a Japón índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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México y la cuenca del pacífico

versión On-line ISSN 2007-5308


LICONA MICHEL, Ángel  y  CARDENAS BARAJAS, Cintli Ayesa. Panorama de las relaciones ínter-coreanas en la era de Kim Jong-un. Méx.cuenca pac [online]. 2013, vol.2, n.3, pp.75-101. ISSN 2007-5308.

The demise of Kim Jong-il in December of 2011 meant the emergence of his youngest son Kim Jong-un as North Korea’s new leader, guarantying the regime’s dynastic succession since Kim Il-sung’s decease and inheriting Jong-un the responsibility of continuity maintenance of North Korea, a polemic political entity for its self-reliance nature, dictatorship, belligerent discourse and nuclear and missile programs.

Thus, Jong-un’s ascent takes over geopolitics implications at external level- determined by North Korea’s nuclear program- and changes in the peninsula’s political context- determined by the new leader’s politics toward the south and his will of achieving paths of reconciliation.

Since the division of the peninsula in 1945, progress and setbacks can be observed in inter-Korean relations- characterized by the permanent seeking of reconciliation and reunification- oscillating from conflict to cooperation, and thus maintaining a status of latent conflict. As a result of that situation, a multidimensional analysis shapes the panorama of inter-Korean reality by introducing key elements for a wider understanding of the present and future of inter-Korean relations: the local level; inter-Korean dyadic level; role of Great Power Politics in Northeast Asia and international organization.

In this regard, the year 2012 is a decisive one for both Koreas. While the main challenges of North Korea’s new leadership are the maintenance of internal approval of elites and survival of the regime in light of international pressures, In South Korea the 18th presidential election is coming, which means that a possible polity change towards North Korea will take part of the panorama.

Palabras llave : inter-Korean relations; negotiation; superpowers; political instability; reunification; conflict management; internal polity.

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