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México y la cuenca del pacífico

versión On-line ISSN 2007-5308


CANO BORREGO, Pedro Damián. The currency in the Captaincy General of the Philippines (sixteenth to eighteenth centuries). Méx.cuenca pac [online]. 2016, vol.5, n.15, pp.97-124. ISSN 2007-5308.

The Captaincy General of the Philippines, dependent since its inception in the sixteenth century to the Viceroyalty of New Spain territory included the Spanish possessions in Asia and Oceania. The Philippines and especially its capital, Manila, was the most important nexus of the trade of the Hispanic world with China and other countries in Asia and the Pacific Rim. The Manila Galleon trade provided the desired silver to the Asian markets, allowed the establishment and longevity Hispanic presence in the Philippines and gave the necessary currency to these islands and to the other Spanish territories in the area.

Palabras llave : currency; Philippines; piece of eight; transpacific trade; Manila Galleon.

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