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México y la cuenca del pacífico

versión On-line ISSN 2007-5308


HAO, Chen. The metaphor and Chinese characters. Méx.cuenca pac [online]. 2017, vol.6, n.16, pp.143-165. ISSN 2007-5308.

The subject of metaphor should not be reduced only to the field of rhetoric. It has already got out of the window of cognitive science to be more exposed. Something similar happens with Chinese characters: their study should not only focus on the traditional field, but also have to worry about cognitive theories to fill the blank, and perhaps to find better solutions to the teaching puzzles that have been generated along the teaching of CFL (Chinese as a foreign language). Because every day there are more foreigners who are interested in this Asian giant, trying to stay closer to his culture and beginning to learn their language. However, one of the biggest obstacles that intercept the linguistic step is the learning of Chinese writing. From this, our work here, trying to find a connection between the cognitive metaphor and Chinese characters in order to offer an intriguing perspective both for the Chinese characters' study and the teaching of CFL.

Palabras llave : metaphor; Chinese characters; predicate; cognitive science.

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