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Entreciencias: diálogos en la sociedad del conocimiento

versión On-line ISSN 2007-8064


HERNANDEZ RAZO, Óscar Enrique  y  LOPEZ SANDOVAL, María Guadalupe. Social appropriation of digital technologies in an informal and precarious work context. Entreciencias: diálogos soc. conoc. [online]. 2019, vol.7, n.19, pp.67-82.  Epub 11-Jun-2020. ISSN 2007-8064.


To analyze, from a sociocultural perspective, the social appropriation process of digital technologies in a family broidery workshop located in Cuautepec, a low-income urban area in the north of Mexico City.


A qualitative, ethnographic design was conducted. The following were used to collect and build data: observation, semi-structured interviews, and demonstrations on the use of technology. The manner through which the owners of the workshop took decisions on what they needed to learn in order to transfer from an electric to a digital embroidery machine were analyzed.


The acquisition and the use of digital devices motivated changes in assignment distribution in the embroidery workshop. The process of social appropriation of digital technologies in a precarious labor context was articulated originating from material conditions and family decisions to acquire the digital equipment, the interaction with mediators, whom ideas and knowledge on the use of the devices were shared with, and the participation of designated actors to use the new tools. However, inequality conditions prevailed in access to social practices with digital technologies.


Amongst the limitations, there is a lack of depth in the exploration of roles which, from a sociocultural perspective, are important in the social appropriation of digital technologies, such as the case of mediators; this can be further explored in future studies.


It is shown that in the process of social appropriation of technology, in a precarious labor and economic environment, family and trust bonds play a relevant role in sharing knowledge and solving problems that are presented in the activity.

Palabras llave : ICT; digital gap; social appropriation; informal work; marginalization.

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