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Cultura y representaciones sociales

versión On-line ISSN 2007-8110


GONZALEZ, Fernando. Francisco I: a papal way of ruling. The case of homosexuality. Cultura representaciones soc [online]. 2016, vol.10, n.20, pp.111-142. ISSN 2007-8110.

The purpose of this text is to analyze Pope Francisco's ways of ruling, taking as a case study that of homosexuality, by exploring the possible variation of Austin's classical formula of performative sentences : "when saying is doing something"; for example "When saying is doing nothing" or "when saying is to do something different from what is said" or to proclaim a possible performative. When confronting utterances with actions, the limits of the authorized word become visible when it is uttered in a complex field of power and millenary traditions.

Palabras llave : performative; homosexuality; pastoral attitudes and image; disordered nature.

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