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vol.31 suppl.2Manejo actual de las perforaciones duodenales relacionadas a la colangiografía retrograda endoscópica. Una revision SistemáticaImpacto de la endoscopia sistemática alfanumérica codificada versus la endoscopia convencional en la detección de lesiones gástricas premalignas en el hospital juárez de México índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 2444-6483versión impresa ISSN 0188-9893


REYES-VASQUEZ, J.C.; ANTONIO-MANRIQUE, M.; PEREZ Y LOPEZ, N.  y  CHAVEZ-GARCIA, M.A.. Trastornos motores esofágicos en esófago de barrett. Endoscopia [online]. 2019, vol.31, suppl.2, pp.308-326.  Epub 14-Feb-2022. ISSN 2444-6483.


Current evidence has confirmed the direct relationship in Barrett’s esophagus of hiatal hernia and esophageal motor disorder; of this, significantly the ineffective motility and fragmented peristalsis. This raises esophageal motor disorders as an independent risk factor in patients with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease for the development of Barrett’s esophagus.


To determine the relationship between Barrett’s esophagus and esophageal motor disorders in patients of the Hospital Juárez de México.

Material and methods:

Observational-descriptive, cross-sectional, ambispective, cohort study. All patients with histological diagnosis of Barrett (study group), reported from January 2015 to May 2019, will be included. Control group: patients with grade C esophagitis; Prague and Los Angeles scales respectively used. List of groups: 1:1. High resolution esophageal manometry and application of the GERD-Q questionnaires, and the designed for the study, to both. Descriptive statistics for demographic variables; non-parametric with square chi, for nominal independent samples.


At the time of the study, 76 cases of Barrett’s esophagus were corroborated, with a higher prevalence in the sixth decade of life and in the male gender, with 67.1% of cases. The 93.43% of the corresponding intestinal metaplasia was of incomplete type, 78.94% of the cases did not present dysplasia. As for the dysplasia group, 43.75% corresponded to low-grade dysplasia, which was more prevalent in men, with 85.71%; indeterminate dysplasia occurred in 43.75% of the cases, with an equally majority of cases in the male gender, 71.42%; for high-grade dysplasia, it occurred in 12.5% of the cases and with equal distribution in both genders, 50%.The endoscopic-pathological correlation in our study was 60.854%, with 38.26% of false positives, 7.478 of false negatives and global prevalence of Barrett’s esophagus of 0.657% in our population. Prospective partial results: the most prevalent esophageal motor disorder was ineffective esophageal motility with 66.6% of the participants, compared with 16.6% in C esophagitis.


This study demonstrates the low prevalence of Barrett’s esophagus in our population, its highest frequency in the male gender and in the sixth decade of life. The endoscopic-pathological correlation is an area of opportunity, as well as the percentage of false positives and negatives. Preliminarily, it can be expected that the ineffective esophageal motility will be the esophageal motor disorder most related to Barrett’s esophagus.

Palabras llave : Barrett; Ineffective motility; Esophagitis.

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