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Trascender, contabilidad y gestión

versión On-line ISSN 2448-6388


DUARTE BELTRAN, Elizabeth. Intervention program to improve the organizational environment of a company based on NOM-035-STPS-2018. Trascender contab. gest. [online]. 2023, vol.8, n.24, pp.70-100.  Epub 23-Jun-2024. ISSN 2448-6388.

To design an intervention program that improves the organizational environment of a company as required by NOM-035-STP-2018, it is necessary to understand that the program is the document that allows promoting and carrying out actions to comply with the technical standards that are established in a workplace. Two constructs were used in this study: the Reference Guide III of the NOM-035-STPS-2018 and the Organizational Commitment and Work Motivation questionnaire by the authors López and Ibarra to learn more details of the problem in a chain of stores and determine the actions that would be carried out through an Intervention Program that was launched for a period of 6 months with 56 employees. As results, it was identified that category five Organizational environment and the domains Performance recognition and Insufficient sense of belonging and instability must be addressed immediately, so it was proposed to change the work model by implementing training and strategies to improve the motivation and communication of the employee. staff noticing disruptive changes since; performance recognition was reduced from 36% to 2% and insufficient sense of belonging from 70% to 7%, impacting other domains in a positive way such as Work Relations, which minimized dissatisfaction from 43% to 14%, discovering that the empowerment and coaching training tools helped workers to have more confidence in the activities assigned to them, raising their level of belonging and retention. The use of these two tools is considered to be of excellent level and validity, since they helped determine actions in a very accurate and effective way to promote a favorable organizational environment.

Palabras llave : Intervention program; Lack of belonging; Organizational environment.

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