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Nueva revista de filología hispánica

versión On-line ISSN 2448-6558versión impresa ISSN 0185-0121


QUEPONS RAMIREZ, Cecilia. From pinche de cocina to “te pinches amo”. A reanalysis chain in the history of spanish. Nueva rev. filol. hisp. [online]. 2022, vol.70, n.2, pp.609-649.  Epub 15-Ago-2022. ISSN 2448-6558.

In the Spanish language, the noun pinche has gathered new meanings and acquired new distributional patterns owing to specific contexts of use that have motivated a double refunctionalization. The purpose of this research is to illustrate the chain of reanalysis that pinche has gone though in the history of Spanish: first, from noun to adjective (El pinche de cocina > La pinche soledad [The kitchen assistant > Fucking loneliness]), and then from adjective to adverb (Tus pinches mentiras > Te pinches amo [Your fucking lies > I fucking love you]). I will explain the obscure origin of the noun pinche as a way to understanding the underlying motivation which facilitated its first reanalysis. In the light of the results, I will describe the syntactic and semantic-pragmatic contexts that favored the refunctionalization of pinche. Finally, I will present evidence for a yet barely studied grammaticalization cline in the history of languages: the adjective > adverb cline.

Palabras llave : grammaticalization; pinche; reanalysis; historical linguistics; subjectification.

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