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vol.31 número2Tasas de éxito en clínicas de fertilidad. Notables diferencias al comparar la información que proporcionan las clínicas de fertilización asistida en México, la obtenida de los reportes internacionales y la extraída de un estudio de campo realizado en MéxicoArtificialidad y naturalidad en la discusión bioética índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Medicina y ética

versión On-line ISSN 2594-2166versión impresa ISSN 0188-5022


HERRERO GARCIA, Ana; LLUNA GONZALEZ, Javier  y  AZNAR LUCEA, Justo. Bioethical analysis of the impact of Assisted Reproduction Techniques (ART) on the health of children and mothers. Med. ética [online]. 2020, vol.31, n.2, pp.287-325.  Epub 21-Ago-2023. ISSN 2594-2166.

Assisted reproductive technology (ART) can be connected to obstetric and perinatal complications, including a higher risk of congenital malformations and acquired diseases. It is an important duty of healthcare professionals, to inform those who wish to avail themselves of these techniques, about both the health risks for mother and newborn. Apart from the biological risks, ART also raise bioethical problems that must be addressed through the central value of the human life.

The main aim of this retrospective study is the bioethical and biomedical analysis of the impact of ART on children and mothers’ health, comparing the risk of pathology in natural conceived babies, and those who are ART infants.

Palabras llave : In vitro fertilization; intracytoplasmic sperm injection; adverse effects; congenital malformations; bioethical assessment.

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