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vol.18 número1Primer registro de chipe garganta amarilla (Setophaga dominica) en el estado de Chihuahua, MéxicoNueva población de Chipe Amarillo (Setophaga petechia) en la isla de Cozumel con una combinación de características entre el Chipe Manglero (S. p. bryanti) y el Chipe de Cozumel (S. p. rufivertex) índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 1870-7459


RODRIGUEZ-RUIZ, Erick R.; POOT-POOT, Wilberth A.; RUIZ-SALAZAR, Régulo  y  TREVINO-CARREON, Jacinto. New bird records with abnormalities in pigmentation in Mexico and proposal of a dichotomous key for identifying cases. Huitzil [online]. 2017, vol.18, n.1, pp.57-70. ISSN 1870-7459.

Color abnormalities in birds have been receiving increasing attention within the ornithological community. However, it is important to create an appropriate tool to provide criteria to allow the accurate identification of the different types of abnormalities. Towards this end we have developed a dichotomous key for field identification of common abnormalities based on the terminology on the scientific literature and visible phenotypic characteristics of the birds. In addition, we report on color abnormalities in the body and plumage of five species of birds observed in anthropogenically disturbed areas in Tamaulipas, Mexico: melanism in the Inca Dove (Columbina inca), ino in the Eurasian Collared Dove (Streptopelia decaocto), ino in the Greater Roadrunner (Geococcyx californianus), leucism in the Groove-billed Ani (Crotophaga sulcirostris), and partial leucism in the Bronzed Cowbird (Molothrus aeneus). Evidence of current cases suggest a significant increase in free-living species with variation in pigmentation. The causes that trigger it are still disputable, therefore, to relate which natural or man-made factors are involved in these conditions will help determine its origin and to detect problems on a population level. This dichotomous key proposed for the identification of abnormalities in pigmentation can be a continuous tool in modern research, standardizing the terminology used.

Palabras llave : Color abnormalities; atypical coloration; melanin; carotenes; leucism; albinism.

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