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Revista mexicana de física

versión impresa ISSN 0035-001X

Rev. mex. fis. vol.64 no.1 México ene./feb. 2018



Research in Gravitation, Mathematical Physics and Field Theory

Soliton operators in the quantum equivalence of the CP1 and O(3)-σ models

J. Stephanya 

M. Vollmannb 

aDepartamento de Física, Sección de Fenómenos Ópticos, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Apartado Postal 89000, Caracas 1080-A, Venezuela

bDepartamento de Física, Sección de Fenómenos Ópticos, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Apartado Postal 89000, Caracas 1080-A, Venezuela. Present address: Physik Department T31, James Franck Strasse 1, Technische Universität München, 85748 Garching, Germany.


We discuss some interesting aspects of the well known quantum equivalence between the O(3)-σ and CP 1 models in 3D, working in the canonical and in the path integral formulations. We show first that the canonical quantization in the hamiltonian formulation is free of ordering ambiguities for both models. We use the canonical map between the fields and momenta of the two models and compute the relevant functional determinant to verify the equivalence between the phase-space partition functions and the quantum equivalence in all the topological sectors. We also use the explicit form of the map to construct the soliton operator of the O(3)-σ model starting from the representation of the operator in the CP 1 model, and discuss their properties.

Keywords: Soliton quantization; skyrmions

PACS: 11.10.Ef; 11.10.Lm

1. Introduction

The non-linear O(3)-σ model is defined by the action

Iσ=12G2<μnpμnp-λnpnp-1>, (1)

where n p are components of a O(3) vector field. The CP 1 model is defined in terms of the complex fields z a , a = 1, 2, by the action

ICP=g-2<μz*μz-(z*μz)(μz*z)>-<Λ(|z1|2+|z2|2-1)> , (2)

(λ and Λ are Lagrange multipliers, < > denotes space time integration, G and g are coupling constants). They provide in three dimensions, an interesting example of classical and quantum equivalence between two field theories 1,2. Each one of these models has interest by its applications in high energy physics, condensed matter physics and statistical mechanics. This interest rests partially in the topological properties of these models, notably, the existence of soliton solutions and identically conserved topological currents. For the sigma model the topological current is given by,

jσμ=18πnϵμνρνn×ρn , (3)

and the charge by

Qσ=18πnϵijin×jnd2x , (4)

where we introduced vector like notation n(x) for the σ model variables. To define the topological current for the CP 1 model one makes use of its gauge invariance. This is made explicit writing the Lagrangian in terms of a composite gauge field

Aμ=μz*z-z*μz2i=Imμz*z , (5)

and the corresponding covariant derivative Dμz=μz+iAμz, as

LCP=g-2(Dμz)*(Dμz)-Λ(|z1|2+|z2|2-1) . (6)

The topological current is then,

jCPμ=12πiϵμνρ(Dνz)*Dρz , (7)

and the charge

QCP=12πiϵij(Diz)*Djzd2x . (8)

Classically, the equivalence between the models is provided by the map

n=zσz , (9)

where σ are Pauli’s matrices. Due to the identity σpabσpcd=δabδcd-2ϵacϵbd, one finds that n p n p = (zz)2 = 1 so that the constraints are equivalent. One may also identify the Lagrangians, the topological currents, the charges and the solutions of both models. In particular the relation between the solitonic solutions in each model has been discussed thoroughly in the literature 3.

Quantum equivalence of these models has also been studied in detail and used routinely in applications to critical phenomena and condensed matter physics. This is done usually 4 in the Lagrangian path integral approach, where the equivalence of the partitions functions can be easily asserted up to an arbitrary factor. Although if one is careful this does not affect the analysis of the physics of the systems, it is worthwhile to improve the analysis working in the Hamiltonian formulation which have been shown useful in the case of other topologically non trivial models 5,6.

In the canonical approach the structure of the constraints and the quantum equivalence of the systems are more involved, since for the O(3)-σ model one has three real fields with one constraint, and for the CP 1 model two complex fields and only a real constraint. The analysis of both systems using Dirac’s method 7 was presented in Ref. 8 (see also 9 for a discussion of the more general CP(n -1) model) . It was shown that to establish the canonical equivalence between them, Eq. ([cambio]) should be complemented with a corresponding relation for the momenta, which emerge from the procedure. This is reviewed in the next section, where we show how after quantization, the hermiticity requirement solves the operator ordering ambiguities. Since some of the constraints in both models are of second class, a rigorous approach for the equivalence of the partitions functions should be pursued starting from the Senjanovic-Fadeev-Popov path integral 10. We develop this point of view and present the details of this computation in Sec. 3, which of course confirms the result of the Lagrangian approach. Finally in Sec. 4 we discuss how the canonical equivalence between the phase space variables of the two models can also be used to establish the equivalence of the disorder soliton like operators of each formulation.

2. Canonical Quantization

Let us first consider the quantization of the O(3)-σ model. The momenta computed from (1) are given by,

πpx=δLδn˙p=n˙p . (10)

We use vector like notation {n(x),π(y)} for the phase space variables, take G = 1 and write the Hamiltonian in the form

Hσ=12π2+12in2+12λn2-1d2x . (11)

Time conservation of the constraint

θ1=nx2-1=0 , (12)


θ2=nπ=0 . (13)

Conservation of this constraint allows to fix the Lagrange multiplier λ=-|π|2-n2n. These constraints are second class. Dirac Brackets between phase space functions ξ and η of a system with second class constraints θα are defined by {ξ,η}D={ξ,η}-{ξ,θα}cαβ{θβ,η} with cαβ{θβ,θδ}=δαδ. The relevant matrix necessary to compute the Dirac brackets is given by,

cαβ={θα(x),θβ(y)}-1=0-δ2(x-y)δ2(x-y)0 , (14)

with α,β=1,2. The Dirac algebra for the system is 8,

{np(x),nq(y)}D=0 ,{np(x),πq(y)}D=δpq-npxnqyδ2x-y,{πp(x),πq(y)}D=[πpxnqy-πqynpx]δ2(x-y).

At the quantum level we face ordering ambiguities. Checking for consistence we obtain for the commutators of the quantum operators two possible orderings


which (using [Npx,Nqy]=0), are equivalent. Also it is derived that

NxΠy-ΠyNx=2iδ2x-y , (15)

which implies an ambiguity in the order of the constraint nπ=0. Using hermiticy of N p and Πq the constraint is fixed to be

NΠ+ΠN=0 . (16)

The constraint NpNp=I presents no ordering problems.

We now turn our attention to the CP 1 model. Associated to gauge invariance, the system has a first class constraint. Taking g=1, the canonical momenta are

πza=z˙a*-z˙*zza* ,πza*=z˙a-z˙z*za . (17)

Observe that since πza*=πza*, we may represent the variables in the compact form {z,z*,π,π*}, where z={za} and π={πa}, a=1,2. The latter are distinguished from σ model momenta by the indices which are taken from the first letters of the alphabet. When necessary as in Eq. (37) an explicit superscript is used. Writing the equation for πa* in the form πa*=(δab-zazb*)żb and taking into account that (δab-zazb*)zb=0 we obtain for consistency the constraints πz=0 or equivalently π*z*=0. Choosing real combinations of these we have the constraints

Θ1=|za|2-1=0,Θ2=12(zaπa+za*πa*)=0 .φ=zaπa-za*πa*. (18)

The Hamiltonian is

HCP=|π|2+|iz|2-|z*iz|2d2x . (19)

No further constraints are obtained from Dirac’s procedure. φ is found to be the required first class constraint. For the second class constraints, the matrix {Θα,Θβ} is given by the right hand side of (14).

The Dirac algebra is given by 8,

{za(x),zb(y)}D=0 ,  {za(x),zb*(y)}D=0,{za(x),πb(y)}D=δab-12zaxzb*yδ2x-y ,{za(x),πb*(y)}D=-12za(x)zb(y)δ2(x-y),{πa(x),πb(y)}D=12πaxzb*y-πbyza*xδ2x-y ,{πa(x),πb*(y)}D=12πaxzby-za*xπb*yδ2x-y .

The commutators associated to the first three relations above present no ordering problems. For the fourth, checking for consistency and hermiticity we are lead to the following two equivalent options


Also, since Za* and Πa* are the hermitian conjugates of Z a and Πa using the identities [Πa(x),Πb(y)]=[Πby,Πax], the last commutator is written in the alternative forms


Observing that this relations imply

ZaxΠay-ΠayZax=32iδ2x-y , (20)

the quantum constraints should be taken as combinations of the symmetric ordered terms

ZaΠa+ΠaZa=0                   Za*Πa*+Πa*Za*=0 . (21)

The constraint ZaZa=I, the topological charge and the gauge fields Ai=iZaiZa which are hermitian are free of ambiguities.

To establish the canonical quantum equivalence of the systems it is necessary to complement the map of Eq. (9) between the fields with a corresponding relation for the momenta 8. This is obtained classically taking the time derivative of (9) and using (17) and the fact that ż*z+z*ż=0. It reads,

πi=n˙i=πaσiabzb+za*σiabπb* . (22)

With these relations it can be verified that the Poisson and Dirac Brackets of any two expressions in one model, maps into the corresponding ones in the other.

At the quantum level we have to take care of the order ambiguity present in (22). This is done as before, to end up with the following equivalent maps between the momentum operators,

Πi={12(ΠaσiabZb+ZaσiabΠb)12(ZaσibaΠb+ΠaσibaZb). (23)

They fulfill the commutation relations. The quantum models are canonically equivalent.

3. Equivalence of the partitions functions

The path integral of a system described by coordinates q 1 subject to s second class constraints θα, r first class constraints φm and r gauge fixing conditions χm constructed by Senjanovic 10 takes the form

Zσ=ei/0T(piq˙i-H(p,q))dtdμ , (24)

where the measure is given by

dμ=DpDqn=1rδχnδφndetχm,φp×c=1sδθcdetθα,θβ12 (25)

Let us show that this expression gives the same result for the two models. For the σ model the path integral is affected by the factor det{θα,θβ} with the constraints given by (12) and (13) and the Poisson matrix by (14). The eigenvalues of the matrix are ±i and the determinant is 1. The partition function is,

Zσ=DnDπδn2-1δnπe<πn˙-Hσ> . (26)

For the CP 1 model we have to choose a gauge condition in order to determine the Fadeev-Popov 11 term. One suitable condition is the radiation gauge χ=iAi=0. This is rewritten as

χ=2za*za-za*2za2i=0 . (27)

The factor of the second class constraints det{Θα,Θβ} is again 1. The Poisson brackets of φ with Θ1 and Θ2 vanish and the remaining Poisson bracket is computed using 2(|z|2-1)=0, which implies that


The bracket is given by,

χx,φy=12iz|2+x2δx-y . (28)

The partition function for the CP 1 model is

ZCP1=DzDz*DπDπ*δz2-1×δ2z*z-z*2z2iδzπ+z*π*2×δzπ-z*π*2idet12iz2+2×expiπz˙+π*z˙*-HCP (29)

To compare we modify the expression (26) introducing two auxiliary variables s and πs,

Zσ=DnDπDπsDπsδn2-1×δnπδsδπseπn˙-Hσ , (30)

and perform the change of variables M(n,π,s,πs)(z,π) defined by,

ni=za*σiabzb,πi=πaσiabzb+za*σiabπb*2 (31)

s=2za*za-za*2za2i,πs=zaπa-za*πa*2i . (32)

The δ functions in (30) map onto δ functions of the partition function of the CP 1 model (29) and the Hamiltonian actions map into each other. The Jacobian of the transformation is J = det M with


Using the block structure of M we have

J=12idetz2*                            z1*iz2*                         -iz1*            z2               z1-iz2                iz1z1*                 -z2*2z1*-z1*2        2z2*-z2*2    z1-z2        z12-2z1 z22-2z2×12i123detz2z1-iz2iz1        z2*    z1* iz2* -iz1*z1  -z2z1  z2     z1*-z2*-z1*-z2*

Using the identity (2za*)za+za*(2za)=-2|iz|2 we finally obtain

J= det-18.4 -4i.4iiz2+2=det12iz2+2, (33)

which is the Fadeev Popov determinant in (29). This establishes the quantum equivalence of the theories in the sector of zero topological charge. The identification of the topological charges which is preserved in the quantum theory by the canonical map, guarantees the quantum equivalence of the models in all the sectors.

4. Soliton operators

Topological solitons in field theory models are the signature of a non trivial phase structure of the quantum theory, with the phase transition being driven by the condensation of the quantum solitons. Accordingly, soliton operators may be constructed in quantum field theory 10,11,12 as a generalization of disorder operators in statistical mechanics 15. To interpolate between sectors of different topological charge soliton operators should apply to the field variables the relevant topological behavior of the soliton solutions. For two dimensional models these ideas allow to recover Mandelstam’s operator 16 and the standard results abelian 17 and non-abelian bosonization 18,19,20. They may also be applied to non-abelian gauge fields 21 and to fermionic currents 22. In 3D, soliton operators of abelian gauge theories have been investigated along this lines 13,14,23,24. Some applications of the CP 1 model Skyrmions are discussed in Ref. 25,26. Here we use the canonical mapping to construct the σ-O(3) disorder operator from the CP 1 operator.

The topological properties of the CP 1 Skyrmion are encoded in the behavior in space, like infinity and at its center given by 3,

z(x)ρe-iargx/20       zxρ00eiargx2,  Ai(x)ρ12iargx    Ai(x)ρ0-12i[argx],

where ρ is the radial variable and θ(x)=arctan(x1/x2)arg(x). To apply the asymptotic behavior to the fields, the disorder operator μ(x) should satisfy the order disorder algebra

μ(x;c)Z1(y)=e-12i arg(y-x)Z1(y)μ(x;c)y-xT(c)Z1(y)μ(x;c)y-xT(c),μ(x;c)Z2(y)=Z1(y)μ(x;c)y-xT(c)e12i arg(y-x)Z1(y)μ(x;c)y-xT(c),μ(x;c)Ai(y)=Ai(y)+12iarg(y-x)μ(x;c)y-xT(c)Ai(y)-12iarg(y-x)μ(x;c)y-xT(c),

were T(c) is a spatial region centered in x whose boundary is a plane curve c. μ(x,c) is identified to be

μx, t;c=exp12 R2-TxZ1w, t1w, t-1w, tZ1w, targw-xd2w-12 TxZ2w, t2w, t-2w, tZ2w, targw-xd2w (34)

For the O(3)-σ model, the direct construction of the disorder variable is more complicated to pursue since the topological properties of the solution depend on the whole space time configuration. This is overcome by using the canonical map. In components the map (n=zσz) is

n1=2Rz1*z2               n2=2Imz1*z2              n3=|z1|2-|z2|2. (35)

Using also that μσ=μσ-1, it is shown that [μ(x),N3(y]=0 and the order disorder algebra (34) which is non trivial only for N 1 and N 2 is written as,

μσxN1y=cosargy-xN1yμσx ,μσxN2y=sinargy-xN2yμσx . (36)

It does not depend on T (c). The inverse of the change variables (31) is

|z1|=1+n32,z2=1-n32,      eiϕ=n1+in21-n32,       z1=z1eiφ1,        z2=z2eiφ2,           ϕ=φ2-φ1,          π1CP=1z1π3σ+i2n1π2σ-n2π1σ,  π2CP=1z2[-π3σ-i2(n1π2σ-n2π1σ)]. (37)

Substituting this in the classical expression of (34) and taking into account the ordering issues for the quantum operators already discussed we end up with

μσx, t=expiR2N1y, t2y, t- 1y, tN2y, targy-xd2y (38)

which again does not depend on T(c). This operator satisfies the order disorder algebra (36).

5. Conclusion

In this paper we use the complete canonical map between the Hamiltonians descriptions which results from applying Dirac’s method 8, of the O(3)-σ model and the CP 1 model in 3D and show that the quantum theory is free of ordering ambiguities. We demonstrate, by exhibiting the explicit functional change of variables for the path integral and computing the Jacobian determinant, that the phase space partition functions of the models computed using the complete Senjanovic’s construction, are identical, as expected. Finally, we apply the results of the canonical equivalence to construct the O(3)-σ soliton disorder operator starting from the corresponding operator of the CP 1 model and verify that it satisfies the defining order disorder algebra.


This work was supported by DID-USB GID-30.


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Received: August 22, 2016; Accepted: October 25, 2017

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