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vol.56 número5Cáncer oral en Santiago de Cali, Colombia: análisis poblacional de la tendencia de incidencia y mortalidadAnálisis de costos de distintas estrategias de tamizaje para cáncer cervical en México índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Salud Pública de México

versión impresa ISSN 0036-3634


TORRES-SANCHEZ, Luisa E et al. Cancer mortality trends in Mexico, 1980-2011. Salud pública Méx [online]. 2014, vol.56, n.5, pp.473-491. ISSN 0036-3634.

Objective. To evaluate trends in cancer mortality in Mexico between 1980-2011. Material and methods. Through direct method and using World Population 2010 as standard population, mortality rates for all cancers and the 15 most frequent locations, adjusted for age and sex were calculated. Trends in mortality rates and annual percentage change for each type of cancer were estimated by joinpoint regression model. Results. As a result of the reduction in mortality from lung cancer (-3.2% -1.8% in men and in women), stomach (-2.1% -2.4% in men and in women) and cervix (-4.7%); since 2004 a significant (~1% per year) decline was observed in cancer mortality in general, in all ages, and in the group of 35-64 years of both sexes. Other cancers such as breast and ovarian cancer in women; as well as for prostate cancer in men, showed a steady increase. Conclusions. Some of the reductions in cancer mortality may be partially attributed to the effectiveness of prevention programs. However, adequate records of population-based cancer are needed to assess the real impact of these programs; as well as designing and evaluating innovative interventions to develop more cost-effective prevention policies.

Palabras llave : mortality; trends; cancer; Mexico.

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