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Salud Pública de México

versión impresa ISSN 0036-3634


CERVERA-HERNANDEZ, Miguel E et al. Seroprevalence of brucellosis among dairy farm workers in Mexico. Salud pública Méx [online]. 2016, vol.58, n.3, pp.366-370. ISSN 0036-3634.


To describe the seroprevalence and associated factors for brucellosis among dairy farm workers.

Materials and methods:

We performed a secondary analysis of a data set and sera from a previous cross-sectional study in a dairy farm. Sera were tested for Brucella spp. antibodies by the slide agglutination test. Seropositivity was defined as a titer ≥1:40; recent infection was titers ≥1:160.


We tested 331 human sera. Seroprevalence of brucellosis was 18.1% (60/331; 95% CI 14.1-22.7); 13.3% of them (8/60; 95% CI 5.9 24.5) corresponded to recent infection. Highexposure occupation (calf caretaker; OR 3.3; 95%CI 1.1 - 9.7), daily hours in contact with cows (OR 1.1; 95%CI 1.03 - 1.2), and living on-site (OR 2.2; 95% CI 1.1 - 4.4) remained independently associated with seropositivity.


We found a high seroprevalence of brucellosis among dairy farm workers, as well as a significant association among those with prolonged and close contact with cattle.

Palabras llave : Brucellosis; seroprevalence; cattle; cows; Mexico.

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