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Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas

versión impresa ISSN 0185-1276


MINGUEZ, Víctor  y  RODRIGUEZ, Inmaculada. The Teachings of Andrea Alciato in the Venetian Court: A Panel from the Barbosa-Stern Collection Attributed to Massys. An. Inst. Investig. Estét [online]. 2015, vol.37, n.106, pp.53-74. ISSN 0185-1276.

This article analyzes a panel which represents a famous emblem by Andrea Alciato, "In Senatvm", and addresses its possible attribution to Jan Massys. Through the analysis of certain iconographic "keys", the signature and the stylistic characteristics of the panel, it upholds the attribution to the Flemish painter. This is a work of great interest since, besides being hitherto unpublished, it is the only one known so far which reproduces an emblem by the Italian savant; furthermore, it was executed almost contemporaneously with the edition of the famous emblem book. The authors also consider its possible significance in the European religious and political context.

Palabras llave : Jan Massys; Andrea Alciato; "In senatvm"; Venice; Emblem books.

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