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Revista mexicana de fitopatología

versión On-line ISSN 2007-8080versión impresa ISSN 0185-3309


NAVARRETE-MAPEN, Reyna Z. et al. Graft response of Capsicum chinense-Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculum to Begomovirus in field. Rev. mex. fitopatol [online]. 2020, vol.38, n.2, pp.226-238.  Epub 27-Nov-2020. ISSN 2007-8080.

One of the phytosanitary problems in the cultivation of pepper is the whitefly, begomovirus transmitter. Given the need for alternatives, the objective was to evaluate graft tolerance of Capsicum chinense-Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculum to begomovirus under field conditions. Two creole materials were used for rootstock (amashito and muela) and habanero pepper as graft (criollo and jaguar). The “terminal plectrum” graft was used and six treatments were generated. The whitefly populations, the incidence and severity of the disease were recorded every 10 days, with the latter AUDPC were calculated and apparent infection rate Yfinal. In the production stage, yield, length and diameter of fruits it was determined. At 130 days after transplantation, the population under whitefly, it was quantified in the grafted treatments (muela + habanero jaguar, amashito + habanero jaguar, muela + habanero criollo y amashito + habanero criollo) that ranged from 5.5 to 14.5 insects per plant. The increased incidence and severity of virus was average in habanero jaguar with 100 and 62%. The lowest AUDPC, apparent infection rate and Yfinal were estimated in muela + habanero criollo with 746.6 (% per day), 0.0050 (% per day) and 23.4%, in their order; associated with the genetic strength of the rootstock. The grafts amashito + habanero jaguar, amashito + habanero criollo y muela + habanero criollo showed better agronomic performance and productivity of the crop.

Palabras llave : rootstocks; tolerance; virosis; whitefly; chili pepper..

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