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 número114El exilio colombiano en clave LGTBIQ+. Una aproximación desde la experiencia de Manuel Antonio Velandia, activista homosexual exiliado en EspañaTemor ante el presunto antiespañolismo de las colonias sublevadas: la independencia rioplatense en la novela Sofía y Enrique (1829), de Vicenta Maturana índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 2395-8464versión impresa ISSN 0186-0348


MENDOZA PEREZ, Ernesto Josué. Unionism and Anti-Fascism in the Central American Democratic Union Political-Intellectual Project (1943-1946). Secuencia [online]. 2022, n.114, e2093.  Epub 07-Feb-2023. ISSN 2395-8464.

This article explores the link between the concepts of unionism and antifascism based on the political action project founded in Mexico on the initiative of the Costa Rican writer Vicente Sáenz in January 1943: the Central American Democratic Union (UDC). This organization was an instrument of opposition of Central American exiles in Mexico to the dictatorships in their region during the final stage of World War II. By tracing the activity of the UDC, recorded in its publications, the article demonstrates the existence of a Central American anti-fascism in exile that was able to articulate its own content -unionist and anti-imperialist, in the midst of a democratic rhetoric, framed in political language- that linked the long-standing desires for a Central American union to a project designed to establish and consolidate popular, democratic governments, capable of guaranteeing the rights denied by the authoritarianism in the region.

Palabras llave : unionism; anti-fascism; Central America; exile; intellectuals.

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