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Archivos de neurociencias (México, D.F.)

versión On-line ISSN 1028-5938versión impresa ISSN 0187-4705


LARA, Juan Carlos; HERNANDEZ, Daniel Guillermo  y  ALONSO-VANEGAS, Mario A. Developed stereotactic apparatus with centered arc systems. Arch. Neurocien. (Mex., D.F.) [online]. 2005, vol.10, n.3, pp.196-202. ISSN 1028-5938.

Neurosurgical practice today requires an option for stereotactic neurosurgery which is indicated in approximately 10% of all neurosurgical procedures. Since over a century diverse systems have been developed in different neurosurgical centers to meet particular requirements, albeit presenting certain disadvantages. In the present article, we describe these systems with particular reference to their indications, advantages and disadvantages. We describe a system designed and developed by the authors to meet particular requirements in a third level health center in Mexico. This apparatus is based on the principle of an incomplete centered arch, with a circular frame since it was considerate the most flexible for a general neurosurgery practice, not dedicated specifically to functional neurosurgery. Furthermore, a practical method for calculating coordinates is described, which defines the point of entry without the need of additional software.

Palabras llave : stereotactic; centered arc systems; biopsy; guided surgery.

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