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vol.12 número23Uso de drogas en migrantes mexicanos captados en ciudades de la frontera noroccidental México-Estados UnidosCriminalidad, inseguridad pública y comportamiento de los electores: un análisis del proceso electoral estatal 2010 en Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Estudios fronterizos

versión On-line ISSN 2395-9134versión impresa ISSN 0187-6961


GARCIA ALVAREZ, Hugo. Trayectorias migratorias y consumo de televisión local del país de origen en el marco de la construcción de una comunidad transnacional. Estud. front [online]. 2011, vol.12, n.23, pp.27-47. ISSN 2395-9134.

The paper explores the role a regional Mexican television channel has in the maintenance of cultural identity and cultural links with their home city of former Monterrey, Mexico, between inhabitants who migrated to Houston, Texas. Through interviews it was possible to identify some strategies for TV viewers to reinforce their sense of belonging to their former local community and avoid their emotional distancing from it and deal with the border. The cases described here show how some people search their identity as Mexican-Americans and the role this TV signal can play, along with the dynamics the border impose on them. The study concludes that in addition to the initial social and familiar networks that facilitated the arrival of newcomers, the availability of "Canal 12" helps to understand a community in a transnational setting as a manifestation of the conditions of border relations and the continuity that this bi-national space provide to maintain strong cultural and symbolic ties with their home region in Northeast Mexico.

Palabras llave : migration; cultural consumption; television; regional identity; transnational community.

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