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vol.29 número2Albúmina en obstetricia críticaBalance hídrico: un marcador pronóstico de la evolución clínica en pacientes críticamente enfermos. Reporte preliminar índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista de la Asociación Mexicana de Medicina Crítica y Terapia Intensiva

versión impresa ISSN 0187-8433


PEREZ PEREZ, Martha et al. Procalcitonin/C reactive protein (PCT/CRP) index as a predictor of mortality in patients with septic shock. Rev. Asoc. Mex. Med. Crít. Ter. Intensiva [online]. 2015, vol.29, n.2, pp.64-69. ISSN 0187-8433.

Objectives: Set if the PCT/CRP index admission in the intensive therapy is a predictor of mortality in patients with septic shock. Design: Prospective, observational study of nonintervention. Material and methods: Patients were evaluated with septic shock admitted from February 2012 to March 2014 in the Department of Intensive Care Medical Center ABC. Determinations of PCT and CRP at admission and at 24 hours were performed. The prognostic and organ failure scales with PCT/CRP as a predictor of mortality rate were compared. Results: We included 51 patients diagnosed with septic shock, 24 male and 27 female; the average age was 67 ± 15. They had APACHE II and SOFA by an average of 11 ± 4 and 22.4 ± 4.5 points respectively. The site of origin of septic shock was found more frequently abdominal. In terms of mortality, no significant difference appeared. The average length of stay in ICU was 5 days. To maintain hemodynamic stability was required most use of two vasopressor. The group of non survivors, lactate levels were 5.24 ± 4 (p = 0.007) and a rate of PCT/CRP of 5.31 ± 7.38 (p = 0.000 for basal and 0.001 for 24 hour) and found positive correlation exists this index to levels of sodium, chloride, bicarbonate, base deficit and levels of CRP and PCT. Conclusions: An index of PCT/CRP values in the above was observed to be associated with mortality in patients with septic shock.

Palabras llave : Septic shock; procalcitonin; C-reactive protein; mortality; SOFA; APACHE II.

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