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vol.29 número57Del carrusel al juego de las sillas. Ilegalidad y violencia en los procesos electorales localesDiferencia indisociable: construcción de diferencia desde la clase y el género en juventudes cucuteñas (Colombia) índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 2448-850Xversión impresa ISSN 0188-7017


CORTES, Nubia  y  ZARATE HERNANDEZ, José Eduardo. The Glory of Poverty. Emergence of Actors at the Forefront of Social Welfare Programs. Alteridades [online]. 2019, vol.29, n.57, pp.87-97. ISSN 2448-850X.

The objective of this text is to analyze how stemming from the promotion of welfare programs in localities denominated as poor, new political actors with direct impact in the form of the local organization have emerged. The “eligible subject” of support has created unheard of forms of social exclusion, at the time in which it has generated various means to administer their life. The presented argument is based on fieldwork, semi-structured interviews, personal archive data collection and bibliographic research. The benefits granted by welfare programs have multiple conceptions among eligible subjects, which transcend the economical.

Palabras llave : social actor; legibility; management; community.

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