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Ginecología y obstetricia de México

versión impresa ISSN 0300-9041


BARQUET-MUNOZ, SA; CANTU DE LEON, D  y  PORQUILLO-CORTES, FJ. New perspectives of cytology in molecular diagnosis of ovarian and endometrial epithelial cancer. Ginecol. obstet. Méx. [online]. 2017, vol.85, n.1, pp.47-54. ISSN 0300-9041.


To describe the literature that has identified molecular biomarkers in liquid-based cervical cytology samples to detect endometrial and ovary epithelial cancer.


An electronic search was conducted in the main databases in articles related to the detection of ovarian and endometrial cancer with the following search terms: liquid-based cytology, ovarian epithelial cancer, endometrial epithelial cáncer, molecular biomarkers.


Epithelial ovarian and endometrial cancer are diseases that lack an effective screening method. Liquid-based cytology provides an effective way to detect cellular and molecular alterations in the detection of these neoplasms. Through the association between liquid-based cytology and molecular methods it is possible to identify specific biomarkers in the lower genital tract, opening up the possibility of developing screening methods for endometrial and ovary epithelial cancer.


It is possible the detection of endometrial cancer and, to a lesser extent of epithelial ovarian cancer by using liquid-based Pap test.

Palabras llave : Liquid-based cervical cytology; Ovarian cancer; Molecular biomarkers.

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