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Revista de sanidad militar

versión impresa ISSN 0301-696X


SANCHEZ-DOMINGUEZ, Eduardo  y  CRUZ-PEREZ, Fabian de Jesús. Determination of harmful environmental noise zones in non-operating military air base facilities. Rev. sanid. mil. [online]. 2022, vol.76, n.3, e01.  Epub 03-Feb-2023. ISSN 0301-696X.


Noise is an unpleasant sound that affects health and is a risk factor for hypertension and ischemic heart disease. Aviation generates noise and air pollution that damages hearing and is a problem worldwide and for the general population and for those who work in airports, so it must be analyzed. Various works have been published on the subject, however, there are few studies carried out in areas surrounding air bases and little preventive care is provided to the population that works within them.


Determine the existence of harmful environmental noise levels in non-operational work installations of military air bases.

Material and Methods:

Ambient noise was measured in work shifts for 7 days, at the air bases of Santa Lucía and Zapopan, with Extech® Mod. 407732, class 2 environmental sound level meter, ANSI and IEC 651 Type 2 standards and 407766 gauge of 94 or 114 dB, in áreas exposed to noise near the runway at peak hours air activit


No satisfactory and dangerous harmful noise was found between 68 dB and 82.06 dB of noise equivalent noise level (LEQ), out of the norm for ambient noise.


The noise found does not meet what is established for the levels of exposure of environmental noise in the community, it must have means of protection and preventive programs to prevent hearing loss.

Palabras llave : Environmental noise; equivalent sound level; air bases; noise pollution.

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