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versión On-line ISSN 2521-9766versión impresa ISSN 1405-3195

Agrociencia vol.50 no.1 Texcoco ene./feb. 2016


Natural Renewable Resources

Variation of form factor and taper in provenances of spanish cedar (Cedrela odorata L.)

Rolando M. Tlaxcala-Méndez1 

Héctor M. de los Santos-Posadas1  * 

Patricia Hernández-de la Rosa1 

José L. López-Ayala2 

1Postgrado en Ciencias Forestales, Campus Montecillo, Colegio de Postgraduados. Carretera México-Texcoco km 36.5. 56230, Montecillo, Texcoco, Estado de México, México. (

2Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Zongolica. Carretera a la Compañía s/n, Tepetitlanapa-Zongolica km 4. 95005, Zongolica, Veracruz, México.


Knowledge of tree stem geometry is relevant for progeny studies aiming to obtain germplasm since the best individuals should have adequate growth and the best characteristics of stem formation. Thus, it is necessary to evaluate stem form with analytical methods. The objective of this study was to identify the progeny with the highest milling yield, considering form factor, taper variation and commercial volume of seven provenances of Cedrela odorata L. established in Tezonapa, Veracruz, Mexico. To this end, destructive sampling of 211 trees was carried out. Two linear regression and two non-linear regression models were fit and complemented with tests of additionality in the parameters form and taper. The results showed that the form parameters of the progenies from Tuxtepec, Tierra Blanca and Tezonapa adopted a paraboloid shape, and those from María Lombardo, San Andrés Tuxtla, Costa del Golfo and Comala tended to be conical. All the progenies were statistically different in taper parameters, which is attributed to the interaction genotype-environment and to infestation by the borer Hypsipyla grandella Zeller. Moreover, form parameters were evaluated in three compatible form and taper systems fitted with SUR (Seemingly Unrelated Regressions) estimation. The geographical source of Tuxtepec was less conical because the stems were geometrically closer to a paraboloid (form factor, ff0.45). Therefore, Tuxtepec could be the main line of germplasm collection for local production.

Key words: Cedrela odorata L.; Hypsipyla grandella Zeller; phenotypical characteristics; indicator variable


El conocimiento de la geometría en los fustes de los árboles es relevante en los estudios de progenies para obtener germoplasma, debido a que los individuos mejores deben tener crecimiento adecuado y también las características mejores en la conformación del fuste. Para ello, es necesario evaluar la forma de los fustes mediante métodos analíticos. El objetivo de esta investigación fue identificar la progenie con el rendimiento mayor de aserrío considerando la forma, el ahusamiento y el volumen comercial de siete procedencias de Cedrela odorata L. establecidas en Tezonapa, Veracruz, México. Para esto, se realizaron muestreo destructivo de 211 árboles. Dos modelos de regresión lineal y no lineal se ajustaron y complementaron con pruebas de adicionalidad en los parámetros de forma y ahusamiento. Los resultados mostraron que los parámetros de forma de las progenies de Tuxtepec, Tierra Blanca y Tezonapa adoptaron forma de paraboloide, y las de María Lombardo, San Andrés Tuxtla, Costa del Golfo y Comala tendieron a la conicidad. Todas las progenies fueron estadísticamente diferentes en parámetros de ahusamiento, lo cual se atribuyó a la interacción genotipo-ambiente y a la invasión del barrenador Hypsipyla grandella Zeller. Además, los parámetros de forma se evaluaron en tres sistemas compatibles de ahusamiento y volumen, mediante el ajuste con estimación SUR (Seemingly Unrelated Regressions). La fuente geográfica de Tuxtepec presentó conicidad menor por su fustes geométricamente más cercanos al paraboloide (factor de forma, ff 0.45), por lo cual podría ser la línea principal para acopio de germoplasma y producción local.

Palabras clave: Cedrela odorata L.; Hypsipyla grandella Zeller; características fenotípicas; variable indicadora


One of the first Spanish cedar breeding programs in Mexico began in 1994 with a study of seven provenances established in the Experimental Station El Palmar of the National Institute of Research in Forestry, Agriculture and Livestock (INIFAP) in Tezonapa, Veracruz. The objective of the study was to provide improved germplasm to landowners of the region whose interest in planting red cedar in their agroforestry system plots was growing because its commercial value is higher than that of other tropical species, with the exception of mahogany (Patiño, 1997; Sánchez et al., 2003).

Most of the breeding programs define target traits such as stem shape, growth, adaptability and resistance to pests and diseases since these are related to wood quality (Zobel and Talbert, 1988). The stem expresses how environmental factors and genetic potential or heritability, as well as their interaction, modify tree morphology at the site (Chambel et al., 2005).

Stem shape in provenance trials are analyzed only during the juvenile stage with subjective methods, which can be imprecise. Methods that use measurements along the stem are usually more exact and do not depend on subjective appraisal, but they are more costly and time-consuming (Sierra de Grado et al., 1999). For this reason, the study of tree stems, or boles, and the estimation of their volume can be carried out using appropriate mathematical and statistical procedures, such as form factors, pure taper methods and simultaneous taper and commercial volume systems. The first method assesses a form constant relating tree volume to a geometric solid of revolution that contains the same diameter and total height (Gama et al., 2010). The second evaluates the coefficient of diameter narrowing along the stem and its integration provides the total and commercial volume (Bi, 2000). The third describes the tree profile and volume simultaneously (Cruz et al., 2008).

Therefore, the study of stems is relevant because, when the sections are sawmilled, the most cylindrical stems have higher milling yield. This contributes economic profits, especially when differentiated markets are supplied with products of different qualities and dimensions (Zavala, 1996; Quirós et al., 2005).

The objective of this study was to identify the red cedar provenance with the highest milling yield through comparison of performance in phenotypical characteristics such as form factor, taper and commercial volume in order to obtain germplasm from the best individuals for distribution among landowners of the Tezonapa region, Veracruz. It was assumed that the geometry of the stems is a trait determined by environmental factors, genetic potential and their interaction.

Materials and Methods

Data on volume and taper

The provenance trial was conducted on 1.8 ha study of the INIFAP experimental station El Palmar located in the municipality of Tezonapa, Veracruz, México (18° 32’ 55 N, and 96° 47’ 23 W and 180 m altitude) (Table 1). The climate is hot humid with an annual precipitation of 2885 mm, mean temperature of 24.4 °C, and minimum and maximum temperatures of 16.1 °C and 35.4 °C. Flatlands and hills with slopes of 5 to 29 % make up the physiography. Soils are deep acrisols and vertisols with good natural drainage, crumbly textured sandy clay and pH 4.8 to 6.1 (Sánchez and Velázquez, 1998).

Table 1 Localities established in the provenance trial with Spanish cedar in the Experimental Station El Pal mar, INIFAP, Veracruz, México. 

Procedencia Latitud (N) Longitud (O) Altitud(m) Tipo de suelo
Costa del Golfo, Veracruz 18° 58’-19° 46’ 96° 10’-96° 25’ 0-80 Vertisol-Regosol
Tezonapa, Veracruz 18° 30’-18° 35’ 96° 41’-96° 48’ 180 Acrisol
Tierra Blanca, Veracruz 18° 27’-18° 32’ 96° 20’-96° 36’ 200 Vertisol-Luviosol
San Andrés Tuxtla, Veracruz 18° 27’ 95° 13’ 300 Luviosol
Tuxtepec, Oaxaca 18° 06’ 96° 07’ 20 Cambisol-Luviosol
María Lombardo, Oaxaca 17° 28’ 95° 46’ 200 Cambisol-Regosol
Comala, Chiapas 15° 40’ 92° 09’ 500 Litosol-Vertisol

Information was obtained from 211 sixteen-year-old trees, which were the product of the only thinning applied to the progeny trial in December 2010 to establish a seed orchard with 126 individuals per hectare, as suggested by Zobel and Talbert (1988). Thinning covered the highest possible diversity in tree sizes and forms to eliminate dominant, co-dominant, intermediate and suppressed individuals. The data were obtained by stem analyses, recording the variables diameter at breast height (cm, Dbh), total height (m, H ), diameter at different stem heights with bark (cm, d ), and heights above ground level of each section (m, h). The first of these measurements was taken at 0.25 m, the second at 1.05 m (Dbh) and the following measurements were every 2 m until reaching the minimum diameter of 3 cm. The register included 1670 pairs of d and h data. For cubage calculations, we used the Overlapping Bolt Method, proposed by Bailey (1995), which obtains precise total and partial volumes (Cruz et al., 2008). Figure 1 presents data on taper and accumulated volume.

Figure 1 A) Partial heights in function of partial diameters, and B) commercial volume in function of stem height, for sampled trees. 

Comparison of provenances by form factor

The Spurr (1952) combined variable model estimates the tree form coefficient, parting from the fact that an irregular shaped body (tree stem form) is commonly compared with a cylinder. It is assumed that the volume of the stem is proportional to the volume of a cylinder (V a V c ) and that diameter at breast height (Dbh in cm) and total height (H in m) of the cylinder and the tree are the same.

The volume correlates with Dbh2 and H. In this context, the volume of the cylinder is

Vc=π40000×Dn2×H (1)

However, tree volume will always be smaller than the volume of the theoretical cylinder (V a <V c ), and therefore, the tree volume should be proportional to the volume of the cylinder multiplied by a constant (V a V c ×C ) smaller than 1 (C<1). Here, C is the tree form factor. This leads us to a first model in which tree volume will be approximately equal to the cylinder volume because of its proportionality constant, such that:

VaC×π40000×Dn2×H (2)


Vaβ×Dn2H (3)

This evidence leads to the expression that represents the model of the constant morphic coefficient, assuming a zero intercept, in the following way:

Vaβ×Dn2H+ε (4)

Eventually, for trees, there is a minimum measurable diameter and any individual with a smaller diameter is assumed to have zero volume, originating the following combined variable model:

Vaα+β×Dn2H×1k+ε (5)

where α reflects the effect of the minimum measurable diameter and  will be the form constant as long as the constant k=π /40000 is considered.

To detect differences in intercepts and form factors among provenances in the combined variable model with the direct form factor (Equation 5), a test of simple additionality was developed using a linear regression analysis and incorporating indicator variables (dummies) to denote the absence or presence of some additive effect (Montgomery et al., 2005; Sheng et al., 2011). Dummy variables were incorporated into the provenances, where α= α 0 1 Z 1 2 Z 2 3 Z 3 4 Z 4 5 Z 5 6 Z 6 and β= β 0 + β 1 Z 1 + β 2 Z 2 + β 3 Z 3 + β 4 Z 4 + β 5 Z 5 + β 6 Z 6

In the remainder of the document, if it is not the base provenance of Tuxtepec, then:

Z1=1, if it belongs to Tierra Blanca0,otherwise

Z2=1, if it belongs to Tezonapa0, otherwise

Z3=1, if it belongs to San Andrés Tuxtla0, otherwise

Z4=1, if it belongs to María Lombardo0, otherwise

Z5=1,if it belongs to Costa del Golfo0, otherwise

Z6=1, if it belongs to Comala0, otherwise

where Va is the volume of the entire tree stem (m3); Dbh is the diameter at breast height (cm); H is the total height (m); Z 1, Z 2, Z 3, Z 4, Z 5, Z 6 are the dummy variables; α0 and β0 are the regression parameters; α1, α2, α3, α4, α5, α6, β1, β2, β3, β4, β5, β6 are the regression parameters due to additionality and ε the random error. The effects take Tuxtepec as the reference provenance, selected because it has the highest number of observations. The hypothesis considers homogeneity among intercepts and form factors (i.e., H 0= α1234,=α56123456=0). The procedure for estimating the parameters was by ordinary least squares.

Comparison of provenances by taper

To determine the differences in taper among provenances, the Clutter (1980) type model of pure taper was taken as the base and expressed as:

d=αDnγHθ(H-h)δ+ε (6)

Nevertheless, Equation (6) expresses stem form in two components, that is, in the scale fraction of the total stem volume (α Dn γ H θ ) and in the accumulated volume fraction (Hh)δ. It is here that α and δ can be considered the most influential parameters in determining total and commercial volume. Therefore, they were restated in function of the dummy variables in such a way that α= α0+ α1Z1+ α2Z2+ α3Z3+ α4Z4+ α5Z5+ α6Z6 and δ=δ01Z12Z23Z34Z45Z56Z6. The procedure for estimating the parameters was ordinary least squares.

Where d is the diameter at a partial height h (cm), the rest of the variables have the same notation. The additive effects likewise have the Tuxtepec provenance as base. The working hypothesis poses homogeneity in the taper parameters (i.e. H 0= α1234,=α56123456=0).

Commercial volume models

Three Fang and Bailey (1999) type systems were tested to estimate commercial volume and taper simultaneously. These models permit comparing stem form among provenances in a more complete way, that is, in two form parameters. To this end, we replaced the total volume model of Schumacher-Hall, implicit in the systems, with the combined variable model with the direct form factor in β. Also, the taper function and the structure of the volume of the non-commercial tip share another form parameter δ (Fang and Bailey, 1999). Therefore, these two overall parameters were restated in function of the dummy variables to define the additive effect of the different provenances of the trees (Table 2). Corral et al. (2007) and Quiñonez et al. (2014) used a similar approach in overall adjustments considering dummy variables for different species of pine. Like the additionality test of the form factors and pure taper, we used the same base provenance and description of the dummy variables.

Table 2 Compatible systems fit to the Spanish cedar provenances established in Tezonapa, Veracruz, Mexico. 

Vc is the commercial volume (m3); d is diameter at partial height h (cm); h is the partial height of the stem (m); H is the total height of the stem (m); k=π/40000; α, β, δ, θ are the regression parameters; Z 1, Z 2, Z 3, Z 4, Z 5, Z 6 are dummy variables for each progeny; β1, β2, β3, β4, β5, β6, δ1, δ2, δ3, δ4, δ5, δ6: are the regression parameters due to additionality.

Fitting strategy

Parameter estimation for the Fang and Bailey (1999) systems, case I-a, case II-a, case II-b, was under SUR estimation. Initial adjustment tests of the simplest system of equations (case I-a) suggest evidence of self-correlation and heteroscedasticity under SUR and that these increase variance of the system, while the scale of standard errors of the parameters increase very little. Quiñonez et al. (2014) recommends this fitting procedure when the overall parameters are restated in function of dummy variables that absorb a large part of the system variability, and an inadequate correction of self-correlation and heteroscedasticity could increase the bias of the estimated parameters.

SUR estimation is appropriate for simultaneous equation fitting, to minimizes standard error and to increase the level of significance of the estimators in both the taper equation and commercial volume, increasing hypothesis test sensitivity in the form parameters (Rose and Lynch, 2001). We followed the MODEL procedure of SAS/ETS* (SAS Institute Inc., 2004) to adjust the models.

To compare the systems and select the best goodness of fit, we used the fitted coefficient of determination (R 2 Adj ), which measures the variability explained by the taper and commercial volume model, the root mean squared error (RMSE), which provides the measure of the average differences between estimated and observed values, the coefficient of variation (CV %), which explains variability relative to the mean response of the dependent variable and the average absolute (S) bias and provides information on the tendency of the model to under-or overestimate the response variable (Diéguez et al., 2003; Galán et al., 2008; Quiñones et al., 2014). These statistics are calculated with the following expressions:

RAdj2=1-n-pi=1n(yi-y^i)2n-1i=1n(yi-y¯i)2 (7)

RMSE=i=1n(y^i-yi)2n-p0.5 (8)

CV%=i=1nyi-y^i2/(n-p)y¯×100 (9)

S¯=i=1nyi-y^in (10)

where y i , yi^ and y¯i are the observed, estimated and measured values, respectively, of the response variable; n is the number of observations and p is the number of parameters in the system.

Results and Discussion

Provenances and form factor

The test comparing groups of provenances by addition to Tuxtepec (Table 3) indicates that all of the 16-year-old progenies have the same intercept to the origin α1=α2=α3=α4=α5=α6, p>0.05), since the parameter estimators are not significantly different from zero at a 0.05 probability of rejection. Regarding the form factors, the Tuxtepec base provenance has slenderer stems, nearly paraboloid (ff=0.44). In this respect, we found that the geographical sources Tierra Blanca β0= β 1, p>0.05), Tezonapa β 0= β 2, p>0.05) and San Andrés Tuxtla (β 0= β 3, p>0.05) were not statistically different, whereas María Lombardo, Costa del Golfo and Comala are different because additionality in the form parameters is statistically significant (β 4≠ β 5≠β 6, p≤0.05).

Table 3 Results of the additionality test with the combined variable model of Spurr (1952) with the direct form factor. 

Procedencia Estado Parámetros estimados
Parámetro Estimador Factor de forma Error Estándar Valor t Pr>|t|
Tuxtepec Oaxaca α0 0.0083 0.4416 0.0033 2.54 0.0118
β0 0.4416 0.0214 20.66 <.0001
Tierra Blanca Veracruz α1 0.0019 0.3984 0.005 0.39 0.6994
β1 -0.0432 0.0266 -1.63 0.1055
Tezonapa Veracruz α2 0.0003 0.3988 0.0036 0.1 0.9234
β2 -0.0428 0.0225 -1.9 0.059
San Andrés Tuxtla Veracruz α3 -0.003 0.3747 0.0086 -0.35 0.7278
β3 -0.0669 0.0584 -1.15 0.2532
María Lombardo Oaxaca α4 0.0047 0.3273 0.0049 0.97 0.3309
β4 -0.1143 0.0263 -4.34 <.0001
Costa del Golfo Veracruz α5 0.0013 0.3601 0.0038 0.33 0.738
β5 -0.0815 0.0237 -3.44 0.0007
Comala Chiapas α6 0.0085 0.3024 0.0075 1.13 0.2603
β6 -0.1392 0.0348 -3.99 <.0001

α0, β0: regression parameters from the base provenance; α1, β1, α2, β2 α3, β3, α4, β4, α5, β5, α6, β6: additionality parameters due to the provenances.

The negative value of the additionality parameters β1, β2, β3, β4, β5 and β6 (Table 3) is due to the effect of the provenances and indicates that the form factor in the geographic sources of Tuxtepec, Tierra Blanca, Tezonapa and San Andrés Tuxtla is similar, tending toward paraboloid. In contrast, the provenances Costa del Golfo, María Lombardo and Comala, even when the diameters at breast height and total height are the same, are much more conical.

Up to a certain point, form factors can be considered a phenotypical characteristic peculiar to the provenances, the result of genetic potential or “heritability” and the environment in which they grow -soil, wind, moisture, climate, precipitation-as well as of the effect of the pest Hypsipyla grandella Zeller (Zobel and Talbert, 1988).

Provenances and taper

The search for evidence to show the different stem forms among provenances was more sensitive in the additionality test with the Clutter (1980) pure taper model. The results (Table 4) indicate that the geographical sources Tierra Blanca, Tezonapa, San Andrés Tuxtla, María Lombardo, Costa del Golfo and Comala, by addition to Tuxtepec, have different tapers. That is, there are significant differences in the parameter of the volume scale fraction of the entire stem (α1≠α2≠α3≠α4≠α5≠α6, p≤0.05) and the parameter of the accumulated volume fraction (δ1≠δ2≠δ3≠δ4≠δ5≠δ6, p≤0.05); thus, the effect of the dummy variable Z was significant.

Table 4 Results of the additionality test with the Clutter (1980) type pure taper model. 

Procedencia Estado Parámetros estimados
Parámetro Estimador Error Estándar Valor t Pr>|t|
Tuxtepec Oaxaca α0 3.0013 0.158 19.01 <.0001
δ0 0.7461 0.019 40.09 <.0001
Tierra Blanca Veracruz α1 -0.5865 0.161 -3.65 0.0003
δ1 0.0871 0.027 3.2 0.0014
Tezonapa Veracruz α2 -0.7305 0.130 -5.64 <.0001
δ2 0.1144 0.021 5.59 <.0001
San Andrés Tuxtla Veracruz α3 -1.5487 0.230 -6.74 <.0001
δ3 0.3073 0.064 4.82 <.0001
María Lombardo Oaxaca α4 -1.1321 0.176 -6.43 <.0001
δ4 0.1815 0.034 5.3 <.0001
Costa del Golfo Veracruz α5 -1.2443 0.141 -8.84 <.0001
δ5 0.2180 0.024 9.17 <.0001
Comala Chiapas α6 -1.3651 0.206 -6.64 <.0001
δ6 0.2330 0.047 4.96 <.0001
γ0 0.9268 0.015 62.67 <.0001
θ0 -1.0527 0.021 -51.33 <.0001

α0, δ0, γ0, θ0: regression parameters; α1, α2, α3, α4, α5, α6, δ1, δ2, δ3, δ4, δ5, δ6: additionality parameters due to provenances.

In the Clutter (1980) type model for taper, it can be observed that all the estimators of the additionality parameters are significantly different from zero. This indicates that, unlike the first approach based on total tree form factor (with a single observation per individual), all the provenances have different tapers relative to the base provenance (Tuxtepec). Given the fact that average Dbh was 13.5 cm and average H was 11 m, when calculating the total stem volume by provenance with the Schumacher-Hall model, derived from Clutter (1980), it is estimated that Tuxtepec had the highest form factor (ff=0.57). Moreover, when the taper model is used to estimate height at the 5 cm diameter limit, Tuxtepec exhibits the greatest height limit and commercial volume (Figure 2), and therefore, is the most cylindrical provenance.

Figure 2 Taper variation in Spanish cedar provenances derived from the Clutter (1980) type model. 

Taper is a phenotypical characteristic resulting from genetic potential, the environment and their interaction, but the most geometrically cylindrical stems from Tuxtepec, Tierra Blanca and Tezonapa reflect the capacity of resistance (tolerance) to or recovery from attack by the borer Hypsipyla grandella Zeller in their juvenile stage. This pest bores the apical meristem, making galleries in the young stems and modifying their morphology (Briceño, 1997). Zepahua and Sánchez (2013) studied the incidence of the pest in clones of the same progenies and concluded that these geographical sources can tolerate the pest, showing strong apical growth and rapid regeneration of their tissues during attack. In this way, they retain the economic value of their stem. Although this characteristic has great potential value, the genetic and physiological base of the pattern is not entirely understood (Newton et al., 1995). Another interesting factor is natural pruning. It is likely that these provenances can strongly self-prune the lower part of their stems. Since the branches are photosynthetically active, self-pruning the lower branches allows for a higher concentration of chlorophyll in the upper part of the stem where diametric growth increases, resulting in more cylindrical stems (Barrio, 2009).

The Clutter (1980) type taper model reveals that all the provenances are different, possibly because in the Spurr (1952) combined variable model each tree is one observation, whereas in the taper model each tree represents multiple observations. This implicates a tendency toward more sensitivity when posing tests of hypotheses, basically because when exploring all along the stem there are more degrees of freedom in the error and the hypotheses are tested more successfully in the taper parameters. Clutter (1980) applies a total volume Schumacher-Hall-type model; when the total volume model is fit independently, the estimators differ, basically because in one the deviations on the stem are minimized and in the other the deviations on volume are minimized. With the values of these parameters, we were able to make useful total and commercial volume calculations on the stem.

Taper and compatible volume systems fit

SUR estimation decreased the standard error and the statistically significant level of the estimators increased, in both taper and commercial volume, and made the estimators more efficient (Rose and Lynch, 2001). For this reason, when conducting the test of additionality in the form parameters β and δ, significant differences were found by addition to Tuxtepec (β1≠β2≠β3≠β4≠β5≠β6, p≤0.05; δ1≠δ2≠δ3≠δ4≠δ5≠δ6, p≤0.05). Thus, the effect of the dummy variable was significant in the systems (Table 5). This coincides with the findings of Quiñonez et al. (2014), who reported differences in the parameters that define taper and commercial volume for five pine species.

Table 5 Statistics of the Fang and Bailey (1999) systems for Spanish cedar progenies established in Tezonapa, Veracruz, Mexico. 

EE: standard error of parameters.

The Fang and Bailey (1999) model, case I-a, assumes that the β and δ form coefficients on both sides of the system are similar for each of the progenies (the form coefficient in delta calculated as ff i xk). However, Tuxtepec keeps the best form (β0=0.45-δ0=0.41). In contrast, Comala possesses the most conical stems (β6=0.33-δ6=0.32). The estimators are similar when compared with the first approach of the combined variable model and the direct form factor, but the system is more sensitive and detects differences in all the geographic sources by addition to Tuxtepec.

The effect of thinning to establish the seed orchard could have stimulated diametric growth of the trees by redistributing future growth among a few individuals. However, because thinning was too strong, it possibly promoted greater cone-like taper, low branches and therefore, thick nodes and less dense wood because diametric growth was too accelerated. For this reason, it is recommendable to maintain relative competition among trees (Rosso and Ninin, 1998; Chaves et al., 2013). Moreover, the sources of origin of each provenance possibly had an influence in the geometry of the stems given that they are from an extensive geographic area and are adapted to environmental conditions different from the site where the trial was established. This is a common phenomenon called genotype-environment interaction and the reason that introducing provenances from the ecological zone most similar to the introduction site is advised (Chambel et al., 2005).

Local growers, before using unknown sources of Spanish cedar germplasm, should consider the volumetric proportions that plantations with Tuxtepec progenitors could contribute. Nevertheless, it would be useful to conduct more in-depth investigation to study, for example, the degree to which the progenitors transmit their stem characteristics to their descendants.

The systems had high values in the adjusted coefficient of determination (R 2>0.94)., low RMSE, CV, and E (Table 6), and therefore, can be used to estimate a distribution of products for each provenance. Nevertheless, the Fang and Bailey (1999) system, case I-a, is recommended because the form factors have better behavior in both equations of the system. Moreover, all its regression coefficients were highly significant. The model selected with dummy variables is equivalent to having seven specific models for each group of progenies, which are statistically different.

Table 6 Comparison and statistics of goodness of fit of the Fang and Bailey (1999) systems. 

Caso Función de volumen comercial Función de ahusamiento
RMSE (m 3 ) CV¶ (%) S § (m 3 ) R2 Adj Þ RMSE (m 3 ) CV¶ (%) S § (m 3 ) R2 Adj Þ
I-a 0.011 19.585 0.0003 0.940 1.080 13.181 0.30 0.964
II-a 0.009 16.554 0.001 0.956 0.982 12.383 0.12 0.970
II-b 0.008 14.620 0.001 0.966 0.957 12.071 0.11 0.971

RMSE: root mean squared error; CV: coefficient of variation; §S : average bias; Þ R 2 Adj : adjusted coefficient of determination.


In all the approaches, the Spanish cedar progeny from Tuxtepec had the most geometrically cylindrical stems, surpassing the local provenance of Tezonapa. Therefore, the geographical movement of this provenance was positive in this aspect. Likewise, it could be the principal line to consider in collecting germplasm for local production.

The structure with dummy variables strengthens compatible systems; all the data are used in the fitting process, the degrees of freedom increase in the models, and the standard errors of the parameters decrease.

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Received: January 01, 2015; Accepted: October 01, 2015

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