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Computación y Sistemas

versión On-line ISSN 2007-9737versión impresa ISSN 1405-5546

Comp. y Sist. vol.24 no.2 Ciudad de México abr./jun. 2020  Epub 04-Oct-2021 

Article of the thematic issue

Fast Convergence of the Two Dimensional Discrete Shearlet Transform

Jaime Navarro Fuentes1 

Oscar Herrera Alcántara2  * 

11 Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Departamento de Ciencias Básicas, Mexico,

22 Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Departamento de Sistemas, Mexico,


The 2D discrete shearlet transform for a given function f in L2(2) has been defined through dilation, shear and translation parameters in such a way that the continuity of f at (0,0) can be studied by means of the convergence of the discrete shearlet transform as the dilation parameter converges to zero. Computer experiments illustrate this property by detecting edges in images that correspond to discontinuities.

Keywords: Shearlets; tight frames; continuity; image processing

1 Introduction

Wavelets are used to approximate smooth functions with point singularities. In higher dimensions wavelets detect the point singularities but do not give information about the directions where these singularities occur, specially discontinuities along lines or curves [1]. This problem has been studied by different class of wavelets like shearlets, which are obtained by means of dilations, translations and shear parameters [2].

Shearlets have been defined in such a way that they provide not only the point singularities but also the directions of these singularities. That is, the shearlet representation is more effective than the wavelet representation for the analysis and processing of multidimensional data [3].

Wavelets do not detect, with good approximation, the geometry of images specially with edges. Hence, shearlets have been defined under a similar framework of wavelets, but with composite dilations. Thus, shearlets have been a very useful tool to obtain better theoretical results and applications than the ones obtained from the wavelet theory [1].

In one dimension, for a given admissible function hL2(), the continuous wavelet transform for a given signal fL2() is defined as [4]:


where a0 and b.

In this case, hL2() is admissible if:


The discrete wavelet transform is obtained by considering discrete values for the dilation parameter a and the translation parameter b. That is, if a=a0m and b=nb0a0m, with a0>1 and b0>0, are fixed and m,n, the discrete wavelet transform of fL2() with respect to the admissible function hL2() is given by [5]:


The dilation and translation operators Ja0m and Tnb0a0m are defined respectively as:


then the discrete wavelet transform can be written as:


Moreover, if (Tnb0a0mJa0mh)(m,n)× is a tight frame in L2(), then for all fL2() there is a positive constant C such that the inversion formula is given by [6]:


For n dimensions, the dilation parameter a is in +, and the translation parameter b is in n, where v=(b1,b2,,bn) with bi>0,i=1,2,n.

In this case, for a>1 and j=(j1,j2,,jn) in n, the n×n matrix M(aj) is defined as:


and for b=(b1,b2,,bn) in +n, the n×n matrix M(b) is defined as :


Now, for a>1 and b=(b1,b2,,bn) in +n, the dilation and translation operators are defined respectively as:


where xn, jn, and


where xn and kn. Hence, the discrete wavelet transform in n dimensions for fL2(n)with respect to a radially symmetric admissible function hL2(n), is defined as [7]:


In this case, hL2(n) is admissible if:


Moreover, if (TM1(aj)M(b)kJM(aj)h)(j,k)n×n is a tight frame in L2(n), then for all fL2(n) there is a positive constant C such that [8]:


In this paper, in Section 2 the continuous shearlet transform is studied in two dimensions and in Section 3 discrete values for the dilation, shear and translation parameters are taken to obtain the discrete shearlet transform following the same idea from the definition of the discrete wavelet transform and then, in Sections 4 and 5 a tight frame is considered in L2(2) to analyze the continuity of a given function fL2(2) under the hypothesis of the fast convergence of its discrete shearlet transform. In Section 6, an example is given to illustrate the results by means of a computational experiment, and finally in Section 7 conclusions are presented.

2 Notations and Definitions

First, an overview of the continuous shearlet transform in two dimensions is given. In this case, the shearlet transform is defined with respect to: dilations, shears and translations parameters. That is, the following family of operators are used:


where the matrices A(a) and S(s) are given in the following definition, [9].

Definition 2.1. For a>0 and s in , let:


Note that A1(a)=A(a1) and S1(s)=S(s). Also, A(a1)A(a2)=A(a1a2)>0, where a1,a2>0, and S(s1)S(s2)=S(s1+s2), where s1,s2.

Definition 2.2. For h in L2(2), the dilation, translation, modulation and shear operators are defined respectively by:

(Jah)(x)=1detA(a)h(A1(a)x), where a>0 and x2,

(Tbh)(x)=h(xb), where x,b2,

(Ech)(x)=e2πicxh(x), where x,c2,

(K2h)(x)=h(S1(s)x), where s and x2. Besides (KsTh)(x)=h(ST(s)x).

From the previous definitions the next lemma is obtained directly.

Lemma 2.3. The operators Ja, Tb, Ec, Ks preserve the norm in L2(2).

Corollary 2.4. For h in L2(2), a>0, s and b2, we have:


Also, the following results come directly from the definition of the Fourier transform.

Lemma 2.5. For the operators Ja, Tb, Ks, and for h in L1(2)L2(2):

Jah^=J1ah^, where a>0,

Tbh^=Ebh^, where b2,

Ech^=Tch^, where c2,

Ksh^=KsTh^, where s.

In this case, the Fourier transform of h is taken as


The shearlet transform, as well as the wavelet transform, can be defined from the topological point of view, so that a unitary shearlet group representation can be used to obtain the inversion formula.

Definition 2.6. Let G={(a,s,b)|a>0,s,b2}. For (a1,s1,b1) and (a2,s2,b2) in G, define:


Remark 2.7. With this product G becomes a locally compact topological group with identity (1,0,0), where (a,s,b)1=(1a,sa,A1(a)S1(s)b) is the inverse of (a,s,b). Moreover, the left Haar measure is d(a,s,b)=1a3dadsdb, and the right Haar measure is dr(a,s,b)=1adadsdb [9]. That is, G is a non-unimodular group.

Remark 2.8. The shearlet group is isomorphic to the locally compact group G×2, where:


Thus, it is a subgroup of the following group of rotations GL2()×2 with multiplication defined by (M,b)(M,b)=(MM,b+Mb).

For (a,s,b) in G the three parameter family of operators is defined as:


In this case, for hL2(2):


Moreover, U is a unitary representation of G acting on L2(2).

Definition 2.9. A function h in L2(2) is admissible if:


Lemma 2.10. Suppose that f, h are in L2(2), then:




Proof. See [9].

Remark 2.11. From Lemma 2.10, we have that h in L2(2) is admissible if and only if:

Ch:=2|h^(k1,k2)|21k12dk1dk2<. (2.1)

Definition 2.12. Let h be an admissible function h in L2(2), and let (a,s,b) be in G. The continuous shearlet transform with respect to h is defined as the map:


such that for f in L2(2):


That is:


The continuous shearlet transform can be expressed as convolution, as the following remark states.

Remark 2.13. Let h be admissible in L2(2). Then for fL2(2) and (a,s,b)G:

(Shf)(a,s,b)=[(KsJah¯)~f](b), (2.2)

where the symbol ~ means h~(x)=h(x).

The next result corresponds to the inverse shearlet transform, [9].

Lemma 2.14. If f, h are in L2(2), and (a,s,b)G, then:


where the convergence is in the weak sense.

Remark 2.15. In the case of band limited shearlets, that is when supph^ is compact, the function hL2(2) is taken as:


where w=(w1,w2)2^, with w10, and where h1 is a continuous wavelet, h^1C(), and supph^1[2,12] and where h2 is such that h^2C() and supph^2[1,1]. This generating function was used in [10] to show that the continuous shearlet transform resolves the wave front set.

Moreover, this function satisfies the admissibility condition given in (2.1). That is hL2(2) is admissible if h^(w)=h^(w1,w2)=h^1(w1)h^2(w2w1), with w10 and h1L2() satisfies |h^1(aξ)|2daa=1, for a.e. ξ, and h22=1. [10].

3 Discrete Shearlet Transform

To define the discrete shearlet transform discrete values for the dilation, shear and translation parameters are considered. In this paper this transform is applied to analyze the singularities of functions in L2(2) by means of the decay of the discrete shearlet transform. For this purpose, similar matrices are considered like the ones given in Definition 2.1 with a=4, and s=1.

Definition 3.1. Consider the following four matrices:


Then for j,k:




Definition 3.2. Consider the group G of the form:


where M is the set of matrices of size 2×2 of the form:


where j, k, and d=1,2.

The group law in G is given by (M,z)(M,z)=(MM,Mz+z), where the inverse is (M,z)1=(M1,M1z), and the identity is (I,0).

Remark 3.3. Note that for d=1:


and for d=2:


Hence, note that for d=1,2:

detMd(jk)=detAdj=123j. (3.1)

Definition 3.4. For h in L2(2), and each d=1,2, define the dilation and translation operators respectively by:


where x2 and j,k.

(TMd(jk)lh)=h(xMd(jk)l), where x2, j,k, and l2.

Remark 3.5. For d=1,2, the operators JMd(jk) and TMd(jk)l preserve the norm in L2(2). Moreover, the adjoints are their inverses respectively.

Definition 3.6. hL2(2) is admissible [9], if:


Following [11], the discrete shearlet transform is defined as:

Definition 3.7. Let h be an admissible function in L2(2), and for each d=1,2, let (Md(jk),Md(jk)l) in GL2()×2. Then the discrete shearlet transform of f in L2(2), with respect to h is defined as:


Definition 3.8. The family of functions:


in L2(2) with j,k, l2 and where d=1,2, j0 is a tight frame [11], if there is a positive constant C such that for any fL2(2):


Theorem 3.9. For any f in L2(2) and for a given admissible function hL2(2), if TMd(jk)lJMd(jk)h is a tight frame, then there is a constant C>0 such that:

f=1Cj,k,l,df,TMd(jk)lJMd(jk)hTMd(jk)lJMd(jk)h, (3.2)

where the convergence is in the weak sense, and where j,k, l2, and d=1,2. [11].

Remark 3.10. According to Definitions 3.4 and 3.7, the discrete shearlet transform can be written as:

(Dhf)(M1(jk),M2(jk),M1(jk)l,M2(jk)l)=d=122f(x)(TMd(jk)lJMd(jk)h¯)(x)dx,d=122f(x)(JMd(jk)h¯)(xMd(jk)l)dx,d=122f(x)1detMd(jk)h¯(Md1(jk)xl)dx. (3.3)

That is:


Lemma 3.11. The discrete shearlet transform can be expressed as a convolution. That is:


where ~ means ϕ~(x)=ϕ(x).

Proof. From (3.3):


4 Partial Result

Lemma 4.1. Suppose h be in C0(2) is an admissible function not identically zero, such that h(x)dx=0. Consider f in L2(2), and for each d=1,2, let:


If f is continuous in a neighborhood of x=02, then for each d=1,2, and any j,kZ and any l2:


Proof. Note that if j+, then from (3.1), we have detMd(jk)0. Hence, from (2.2), and for any d=1,2, the function Ph(d)f is continuous for any (Md(jk),Md(jk)l)GL2()×2.

Consider now the case when j+, then detMd(jk)0. Thus, by hypothesis suppose that f is continuous in a neighborhood of x=0 containing the closed ball BR(0)¯, where R>0, and take Md(jk)l in the open ball BR2(0).

Now, since hC0(2) there is L>0 such that supphBL(0). Then since the adjoints of the operators TMd(jk)l,JMd(jk) are their inverses respectively (Remark 3.5), then for each d=1,2:


Since h(x)dx=0, and f is continuous near 0, it follows that for any j,k and any l2:


5 Main Result

Theorem 5.1. Suppose h be in C0(2) is an admissible function not identically zero, such that h(x)dx=0. For d=1,2 suppose that TMd(jk)lJMd(jk)h is a tight frame. Consider f in L2(2) and (Md(jk),z)GL2()×2.

If for each d=1,2:


exists for each k in [Q,Q] for some positive Q and any zd in an open neighborhood of x=02, then f in L2(2) is continuous in a neighborhood of x=02.

Proof of Theorem 5.1. Suppose that for each d=1,2:

lim(Md(jk),zd)(0,zd)(Ph(d)f)(Md(jk),zd):=Fd(0,zd), (5.1)

exists for each k in [Q,Q] and any zd in an open neighborhood containing the closed ball BR(0)¯, with R>0.

Now for fixed x in the open ball BR(0) and y2, for each d=1,2 let:

d(Md(jk),x,y),={h(y)(Ph(d)f)(Md(jk),x+Md(jk)y),ifj,andh(y)Fd(Md(jk),x)ifj. (5.2)

Note that for such x, the function d is well-defined for all j, k[Q,Q], and y2.

Then we have the following three Claims.

Claim 1. For each d=1,2, the function d is continuous in GL2()×BR(0)¯×2.

Proof. See Appendix

Claim 2. For each d=1,2 and fixed xBR(0)¯, the triple series:


converges uniformly on BR(0)¯.

Proof. See Appendix

Claim 3. For each d=1,2 and xBR(0)¯, the function:


is continuous at x=0.

Proof. See Appendix

Back to the proof of Theorem 5.1, for any integer r0, any x2, and for each d=1,2, define:


Then by Claim 3, for each d=1,2 and for any: xBR(0)¯,


That is, for each d=1,2, it follows that Ud,rWd pointwise on BR(0) as r. Hence, U1,r+U2,rW1+W2 pointwise on BR(0) as r.

On the other hand from (3.2), U1,r+U2,rCf weakly in L2(M22×2). Hence, f=1C(W1+W2) almost everywhere, and due to Claim 3, since W1 and W2 are continuous at x=0, then f is continuous at x=0.

This completes the proof of Theorem 5.1.

6 Experiments

To illustrate the main results given in Lemma 4.1 and Theorem 5.1, grayscale images with width W and height H were processed. Grayscale pixel values are in [0,255] where 0 means a black pixel and 255 means a white pixel. Note that, although fL2(2), pixel values are integer and the energy of the image is given by the sum of the square values of the pixels.

An image IMG with W=H=128 was built from:


by getting integer values. Since IMG represents a continuous gaussian function, a cross section was produced with zero values for x1<x2 to get image IMG1 with two continuous sections, as is shown in Figure 1.

Fig. 1 Image IMG1 with discontinuity along x1=x2. Top view projection as gray scale heat map (left) and a colored angular proyection (right) 

In a similar way, image IMG2 was built from IMG with zero values for x1<64(1+sin(πx2/64)). Figure 2 shows a top view projection for IMG2 (left) as grayscale heat map and a colored angular projection (right).

Fig. 2 Image IMG2 with discontinuity along x1<64(1+sin(πx2/64)). Top view projection as grayscale heat map (left) and a colored angular proyection (right) 

In both cases, for IMG1 and IMG2, the insertion of zero values aims to define black regions and discontinuities to be studied. Shearlab [12] software was used to get the shearlet coefficients for IMG1 and IMG2. For a single shearlet scale, N=9 decomposition bands are obtained for each image. To illustrate how the shearlet transform coefficients tends to zero in continuous sections, shearlet coefficients were scaled to [0,255] to appreciate a 128×128 grayscale heat map where dark pixels mean close to zero values (shearlet transform converges) and discontinuities (where shearlet transform does not converge) are perceived as non-black pixels (”clear” pixels that tends to white).

Note that by translation to any point x2, and not only at (0,0), the results described in Lemma 4.1 and Theorem 5.1 show that:

  1. If we take a point in the black zone of the shearlet transform (where it tends/converges to zero) then by Theorem 5.1 the function is continuous.

  2. If we take a point in the white region of the shearlet transform (the shearlet coefficients takes large values, meaning that it does not converge) then by Lemma 4.1 the function is not continuous.

For IMG1, two illustrative shearlet images were chosen as high-frequency bands and they are shown in Figure 3 where clear pixels follow the line corresponding to x1=x2 as it was expected from Figure 1.

Fig. 3 Shearlet coefficients illustration for IMG1: black pixels for continuous sections and clear pixels along discontinuities 

For IMG2, eight shearlet images were chosen (non-low pass frequency bands) and they are shown in Figure 4 where there are clear pixels along x1=64(1+sin(πx2/64)) by detecting the discontinuity.

Fig. 4 Shearlet illustration with black pixels on continuous sections and clear pixels along a sinusoidal discontinuity. Each subfigure refers to a different direction 

Note that subfigures of Figure 4 have distinct directionality of shearlets and non-dark pixels line up to 8 different directions.

To expose the directionality of shearlets an image IMG3 with zero values except at (63, 63) with a 255 value was generated to simulate a pulse embedded in 128×128 pixels. The corresponding images built from the shearlet coefficients are shown in Figure 5. Note the directionality change counterclockwise when reading subfigures from left to right and top to bottom in Figure 5.

Fig. 5 Illustration of the shearlet directionality for IMG3 from a centered pulse. Zoom to 30 × 30 pixels 

Additionally, the 2D discrete shearlet transform was applied to the ”Barbara” image (see Figure 6) and from the shearlet coefficients 8 subfigures were generated (see Figure 7) where it is possible to appreciate pixel patterns that match the different directions illustrated in Figure 5.

Fig. 6 Barbara grayscale image with 128×128 pixels 

Fig. 7 Illustration of the shearlet directionality for Barbara 

7 Conclusions

There are several works about application of shearlets, in particular in two dimensions for images with edges.

This manuscript aims to support these applications, once it was shown that it is possible to study the continuity of a function in two dimensions through the convergence of the 2D discrete shearlet transform. Close to zero shearlet coefficients are associated to continuous sections in images, whereas high values of shearlet coefficients reveal the edges.

Both properties of detecting discontinuities and providing directionality inside images, make the discrete shearlet transform an interesting and useful tool in applications such as image classification and opens the possibility to extend these results to higher dimensions.


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8 Appendix A

Proof of Claim 1. If j, then from (5.2):


Since hC0(2) and fL2(2), then the convolution (JMd(jk)h)~f is a continuous function. Then for each d=1,2, the function d is continuous in GL()×BR(0)¯×2.

In this case, the Frobenious norm is taken in GL(), where A=A,A12.

Now if j, then from (5.1), for any (0,x1,y1)GL()×BR(0)¯×2:


Therefore, for each d=1,2, the function d is continuous in GL()×BR(0)¯×2.

Proof of Claim 2. Note that if j, and if for each d=1,2, take y=l+Md1(jk)x, then from (5.2):


Then, from (3.1):


Now for a given positive integer V, define:

Gd(Md(jk),lMd1(jk)x),:={|d(Md(jk),x,lMd1(jk)x)|,ifj[V,V],f2h2232j|h(l+Md1(jk)x)|,ifj[V,V]. (8.1)



for all (Md(jk),lMd1(jk)x)GL2()×2.

On the other hand, since hC0(2) there is L>0 such that supphBL(0)¯. So, there is a positive integer N>L so that h(l+Md1(jk)x)=0 for l=(l1,l2)2 with li>N for i=1,2. Hence, it can be considered the series over li only from N to N for i=1,2, and since k[Q,Q], then:


Due to the fact that j, then from (8.1):

jkl2|Gd(Md(jk),lMd1(jk)x)|,=j=VVk=QQ(l1=NNl2=NN),|d(Md(jk),x,lMd1(jk)x)|+j=V+1k=QQ(l1=NNl2=NN),232jf2h2|h(l+Md1(jk)x)|. (8.2)

Note that since from Claim 1, the function d is continuous, it follows that the series in the first term of (8.2) converges.

On the other hand, if:

S=Sup|h(l+Md1(jk)x)|, it follows that the series in the second term of (8.2) converges to:


Thus, for d=1,2:



Hence, for fixed xBR(0)¯, the triple series:


converges uniformly.

Proof of Claim 3. By Claim 1, the function d is continuous on GL2()×BR(0)¯×2, and by Claim 2, the triple series:


converges uniformly on BR(0)¯.

Then in particular for x=0, the triple series:


converges absolutely and uniformly on BR(0)¯.

Hence, for each d=1,2:


This proves Claim 3.

Received: October 29, 2019; Accepted: March 02, 2020

* Corresponding author: Oscar Herrera Alcántara, e-mail:

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